Lab Exercise 5 – Installation of BigFix Runbook AI with Document Search and Analysis in HA mode

This lab exercise provides a detailed procedure for installing BigFix Runbook AI with Document Search and Analysis in HA mode. It outlines the prerequisites and steps for installation, including copying the installer, installing the Web and Application components, installing the Advanced AI components, and performing load balancer configuration.


An organization has asked for installation of BigFix Runbook AI in HA mode. They are looking for ticket resolution automation along with Document Search and Analysis functionality. You are part of the implementation team who has been asked to prepare the environment based on the requirements.

In this lab, we will showcase the detailed procedure for installing BigFix Runbook AI with Document Search and Analysis in HA mode.


Hardware should be provisioned for a small environment (HA mode) as mentioned in the BigFix Runbook AI Installation Guide – Two servers for Web & Application components, two servers for Advanced AI components, two servers for database with cluster enabled, three Servers for MongoDB and five servers for Solr.

All the pre-requisites mentioned should be installed on the servers as mentioned in the prerequisite guide

Database credentials should be available

All the required ports should be enabled

Connectivity between servers should be available

MongoDB and Solr access credentials should be available

The user should have “Write” permission on the Apache24 folder

The user should have access to the BigFix Runbook AI installer exe


  1. Copy the installer on all the servers meant for Web and Application components, and Advanced AI Components.
  1. To install the Web and Application components on Web and Application server, follow the steps mentioned in Lab Exercise 2. Run the installer on both the servers.
  2. To install the Advanced AI components on AI Server, follow the steps mentioned in Lab Exercise 4. Run the installer on both the servers.
  3. To perform the load balancer configuration, follow the steps mentioned in Lab Exercise 3.


Post the conclusion of this exercise, you will have a thorough understanding of installation of BigFix Runbook AI Web, Application and Advanced AI components for a small environment in HA mode.

Now, let’s explore the procedure for deploying all the components in a secure mode by converting them from HTTP to HTTPS in the next exercise.