Send a file

You can select a file and send it to one or more selected devices.


The user permission required to send a file are Create Action and Custom Create.

To send a file to one or more destination devices:

  1. In the Devices page, go to the list of devices, and select one or more destination devices to which you want to send a file.
    Important: Select at least one destination device. If you want to select more than one device, then select devices that belong to the same operating system.
  2. Click More and select Send file.
  3. From the list of files, select a file to transfer.
    Important: You can send only one file at a time. You can search and find a file, and sort by upload date, file name, or file size.
    • Devices Targeted – This displays the number of devices selected. Click this button if you want to modify your device selection.
    • Settings – Click this button to define file transfer settings.

    Figure 40 – File Transfer Settings

    Request expires in – Select a time period from the drop-down list within which the file can be transferred to the destination devices. After this time period, the file transfer request expires and the file cannot be transferred.

    • Stagger deployment start times to reduce network load – Select this option if you want to reduce network load.
    • Default destination path – Specify the default destination path where you want to transfer the file in all selected devices.
  4. Click Send.

After successful transfer, the file becomes available in the destination devices at the default path set.