
It validates whether a particular collection is available on the user's machine or not. These collections are used while creating a solution in the automation module.

Admin can perform the following:

  • Create Collection
  • Edit Collection
  • View Collection
  • Delete Collection

Create Collection

  1. To create a collection, click on the Create button on top right corner on the Collection page.
Figure 1. Figure 69 – Collection Page
  1. This redirects to the Create Collection page.
Figure 2. Figure 70 – Create Collection Page
  1. Fill out required fields and click Save. The following success message appears:
Figure 3. Figure 71 – Success Message

Edit Collection

  1. To edit the details of an existing collection, click the edit icon corresponding to the collection that you wish to modify.
Figure 4. Figure 72 – Collection Page
  1. This redirects to the Edit Collection page.
Figure 5. Figure 73 – Edit Collection
  1. Modify the details as required and click Update. The following success message appears:
Figure 6. Figure 74 – Success Message
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

View Collection

  1. To view the details of an existing collection, click the view icon corresponding to the collection that you wish to view. That redirects to the View Collection page.
Figure 7. Figure 75 – View Collection

Delete Collection

  1. To delete an existing collection, click the delete icon corresponding to the collection that you wish to Delete.

When admin clicks on the delete icon to the correspondence collection the confirmation message will pop up to delete the collection, Click Ok to delete the collection or click cancel to cancel the delete action as shown in figure

If admin clicks on the Ok button collection successfully deleted message will pop up as shown in figure