
The data contained in this document shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose. If a contract is awarded to chosen parties because of or in connection with the submission of this data, the client or prospective client shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose this data to the extent provided in the contract. This restriction does not limit the client’s or prospective client’s right to use the information contained in the data if it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction is contained in all marked sheets.

Figure 1 – BigFix AEX Global Admin Console Sign-In Window 12

Figure 2 – BigFix AEX Global Admin Console SSO Login Screen 12

Figure 3 – BigFix AEX Global Admin Console Dashboard 13

Figure 4 – Provider Global Admin Console Home Page 14

Figure 5 – Providers 14

Figure 6 – Managing Tenants 15

Figure 7 – Adding Tenants 16

Figure 8 – Billing Management 18

Figure 9 – Billing Management 20

Figure 10 – Billing Components 21

Figure 11 – Users 21

Figure 12 – Create Billing Dashboard 22

Figure 13 – Configuring Tenants 23

Figure 14 – Configured Services for a Tenant 23

Figure 15 – Configuring Instance 24

Figure 16 – Redirected to BigFix AEX Chat Instance 26

Figure 17 – Choose Channels 27

Figure 18 – Channel Configuration 27

Figure 19 – Setup Integrations 28

Figure 20 – API credentials for Integration Instance 29

Figure 21 – Integrate Integration 30

Figure 22 – Configure Tenant SSO 31

Figure 23 – Tenant SSO configuration page 32

Figure 24 – Editing Tenant 32

Figure 25 – Impersonate 33

Figure 26 – Billing Charges 33

Figure 27 - Tenant Billing Dashboard 34

Figure 28 - Provider Billing View 35

Figure 29 - Tenant Billing View 35

Figure 30 – Pie Chart for Pricing and Markup 36

Figure 31 – Manage Tenant Bills 37

Figure 32 - Creating Markup Billing for Tenants 37

Figure 33 - Usage Category 38

Figure 34 – View Resources 39

Figure 35 – Users 40

Figure 36 – Manage Users 40

Figure 37 – Delete Users 41

Figure 38 – Product Module 42

Figure 39 – View Announcements 42

Figure 40 – Manage Support 43

Figure 41 – Create Support Tickets 44

Figure 42 – Edit Support Tickets 45

Figure 43  Announcements & Catalog 46

Figure 44 – Signing Out of the Global Admin Console 47

Table 1 – Conventions 8

Table 2 – Roles and Permissions 11

Table 3 – Create Tenant Fields 16

Table 4 - Billing Components Fields 20

Table 5 – Manage Tenant SSO 31

Table 6 – Tenant Billing Template 38

Table 7 – Support Ticket Details 44

Table 8 – New Announcements 46