Logging In

This section describes how authenticated and authorized users access the Global Admin Console.

For the first time login to the Global Admin Console, the user needs to be a provider SPOC of either an existing provider or a new provider.

In the case of a new provider, the super admin provisions the provider. The provider can also access the console to provision the tenant for a customer.

In the case of an existing provider, the user needs to request access to the provider SPOC within the organization.

To access the Global Admin Console ,

  1. Launch an internet browser and type the URL https://dryicelucy.ai in the address bar.
  1. It redirects you to the BigFix AEX Global Admin Console Sign-In window.
    Figure 1. Figure 1 – BigFix AEX Global Admin Console Sign-In Window
    1. Click Sign-In at the top right corner of the window.
  1. The Global Admin Console Sign-In dialog box appears.
    Figure 2. Figure 2 – BigFix AEX Global Admin Console SSO Login Screen
  2. It redirects you to your organization’s AD (Active Directory) SSO login page. Use your organization specific SSO login credentials to log on to the console.
    Figure 3. Figure 3 – BigFix AEX Global Admin Console Dashboard
  3. On successful authentication, it redirects a user to the Global Admin Console Dashboard .
  4. The dashboard offers you a snapshot of the providers, tenants, and tickets in the environment.
  • Tenants: Instance of BigFix AEX that is deployed in the provider environment. A provider can create and manage multiple tenants depending on their license limit.
  • Tickets: The requests raised by the provider for any issue or assistance.