Integration module action parameters Guidelines:

The actions called by Integration module will be provided with certain arguments/parameters out of the box for making the integration seamless. These parameters are some of the common parameters that is generally expected for any integration which can be accessed from ‘params’ passed to the main function in the action.

The parameters available are as follows:


  • The query asked by the user which triggered this integration. The value will be a string and will always be populated. This can be accessed by params.text inside the main function.


  • The username of the user on behalf of whom the integration is triggered. This parameter is generally the email ID of the user based on the authentication. The value will be a string and will always be populated. The value can be accessed by params.username inside the main function.


  • The display name of the user on behalf of whom the integration is triggered. This parameter is generally the given name or the first name of the user. The value will be a string and will always be populated. The value can be accessed by params.displayname inside the main function.


  • The context parameter holds the context maintained in the Watson Assistant for the ongoing interaction. In case, if a value or entity extracted is stored in the context variable then the same can be accessed by this parameter. The value will be a JSON object and will always be populated. The value can be accessed by params.context inside the main function.


  • The source parameter holds the value of source from which the integration is triggered. The value is string and can be something like ‘web’, ‘api’, ’skype’, etc. The value can be accessed by params.source inside the main function.


  • The customer parameter holds the name of the customer which is the sub-domain of the url from which the BigFix AEX Tenant can be accessed. The value will be a string and can be accessed by params.customer inside the main function.


  • The customer_code parameter holds the unique code for the customer which is generally used for segregation in BigFix AEX. The value will be a string and can be accessed by params.customer_code inside the main function.

The parameters being passed to the function has a specific preference while updating the value. The preference goes by parameter values from Watson Assistant < Integration Parameters. So, any value given in Rule parameters on integration creation will be replaced if same parameter is passed with a value form Watson rule parameter.