Genesys Integration Guidelines

The section covers how to configure and enable Genesys connector to the Tenant Instance.


  1. Access needed for BigFix AEX Global Admin Portal.
  1. Global Admin URL: https://BigFix
  2. Genesys Credentials needed

Base URL:

Client Id: b90e7b9f-f822-40e1-937a-f81008f30aa1

Client Secret: 7pyIPC74-bOBzBLO7RMQ9EkHKx8Ahs_eyA2Ak6QvcPM

Deployment Id: 6940c6dc-4797-4a07-a103-17c0ca8926ff

Organization Id: 7df49fef-4212-4dd1-abc9-90f553c70f5a

Target Type: Queue

Target Address: BigFix AEXBot

Phone Number: +12223334444 (user-defined)

Step by step Procedure:

  1. First login to Global Admin Portal.
  1. For enabling Genesys, Click configure symbol next to the tenant you want to configure.
  2. Click “Open” link in “Choose Integrations” box as shown in the below figure:
Figure 1. Figure 70 – Tenant Integration Page
  1. To configure Genesys connector on tenant, go to the Live Station integration and click Open. It opens a new page and asks you to enter the required information.
Figure 2. Figure 71 – Live Station integration Page
  1. Fill out the all the fields in the form. The brief description of the form elements are as follows:
  1. Base url: URL to hit Genesys API.
  1. Client Id: It is used as username to get access token.
  2. Client Secret: Password to get access token.
  3. Deployment Id: Parameter needed to create the conversation.
  4. Organization Id: Parameter needed to create the conversation.
  5. Target Type: Parameter needed to create the conversation.
  6. Target Address: Parameter needed to create the conversation.
  7. Phone Number: Parameter needed to create the conversation.
  8. Publish key: This key will be auto generated on click of Generate key button.
  9. Generate key Button: Once clicked, this button will populate publish key field and both field and button will be disabled then. It will remain same for that tenant throughout.
  10. Test Button: This button will test the credentials of the given connector
  11. If credentials are correct, Test button will show green tick mark.
  12. If credentials are wrong, or something fails while testing, test button will show red cross mark.
  13. Save Button: Save button will be used to save credentials to cloud and will enable integration on selected tenant.
Figure 3. Figure 72 – Genesys Connector Form with Filled Values
Graphical user interface, text, email Description automatically generated
Figure 4. Figure 73 – Genesys form with correct credentials after clicking test button
Figure 5. Figure 74 – Genesys form with wrongs creds after clicking test button
  1. Click on Save Button to enable the integration.

Figure 75 – Genesys form When Credentials are Correct

  1. Launch the instance.
Figure 6. Figure 76 – Lanch Instance
  1. Navigate to Integration module in tenant  List of integrations
  1. Here you will see a rule with name GENESYS_CHAT_TRANSFER which is used to communicate with Genesys agent.
    Figure 7. Figure 77 – Integration List
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
    1. In the Openwhisk tab, there is an action named Genesys_Chat_Transfer which contains all logic to transfer the chat between user and agent.
  1. Hence above steps ensure that Genesys is successfully enabled on the selected tenant.