Monitoring expensive relevances on Web Reports

Monitor the relevances on your BigFix Web Reports that exceed a custom defined value to evaluate.

This feature is available starting from BigFix Version 10.0.8.

To enable this feature, perform the following steps:
  1. Enable the Web Reports log and set it at least to "critical". You can use the Fixlet ID 4591 "Enable Web Reports Server log" from the BES Support site or follow the procedure described in Logging Web Reports.
  2. On the machine where the Web Reports is running, add the "WarnOnLongRelevanceEvaluationMinutes" setting to indicate the number of minutes beyond which a relevance is to be considered expensive (the default is "0", that means the feature is disabled):
    • On Windows:
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports
      Value: WarnOnLongRelevanceEvaluationMinutes
      Type: REG_SZ
    • On Linux, modify the /var/opt/BESWebReportsServer/beswebreports.config file by adding the key "WarnOnLongRelevanceEvaluationMinutes" in the "Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports" section.
    When this setting is defined and its value is bigger than "0", any relevance expression that is evaluated at a time beyond this value is tracked in the Web Reports log file with a message such as the following:
    Wed, 07 Sep 2022 16:35:56 +0200 -- /relevance (8032) -- The following relevance expression 
    exceeded the "WarnOnLongRelevanceEvaluationMinutes" timeout ( 2 minutes ) for the evaluation: 
    'exists ... whose ... ' (1234 ms)