Understanding the output

With UNIX content, endpoint scans are accomplished by a series of UNIX shell scripts that provide greater accessibility to UNIX system administrators.

With most BigFix content, Fixlet® constantly evaluate conditions on each endpoint. The console shows the results when the relevance clause of the Fixlet® evaluates to true or false.

With UNIX content, an Environment Setup task or Deploy and Run security checklist initiates a scan of the endpoints, that can run on an ad hoc basis each time when a scan is required. It can also run as a recurring policy from the console.

The endpoint scan is accomplished by a series of UNIX shell scripts. While each script runs, it detects a setting or condition. The script writes the information to an output file that is made available to the corresponding Fixlet® check for evaluation. When the results files are written to disk, the Fixlet® read each results file and show the results in the console.

After you run the Environment Setup task or Deploy and Run security checklist, the scripts are in a directory under/var/opt/BESClient/SCM/CIS or DISA/<Project ID>/Scripts or /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/<Folder for your Site>/SCM/Scripts respectively.