Running checklists

The process of running a checklist involves executing tasks like the Environment Setup task or Deploy and Run security checklist. Both tasks are directed towards achieving compliance with regulatory standards such as those established by CIS or DISA.

Table 1. Running checklists
Serial numbers Checklists
1 CIS AIX 7.2
2 CIS AIX 7_1RG03
4 CIS Solaris 11.4
5 CIS Solaris 11.1
6 CIS Mac OS 14
7 CIS Mac OS 13
The above checklists have replaced "Deploy and Run security checklist" with "Environment Setup task". When you run the Environment Setup task, the master run script runs all the check scripts for the Fixlet® of current site and creates results files for each check under /var/opt/BESClient/SCM/CIS or DISA/<Project ID>/results/<source_id>.result.

For the remaining checklists, that has still the Deploy and Run security checklist task and created results file under /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/<Folder for your Site>/SCM/mytmp/results/<source_id>.result.

It is important to note that the newly updated Environment Setup tasks are not compatible with Fixlet® from previous releases. Therefore, when you are refreshing any of the mentioned sites, make sure that you create a new custom site which exclusively contain Fixlet® only from the newly released sites. Moving forward, all the newly released NIX checklist will have Environment Setup task instead of Deploy and Run security checklist.