What's new in SCM App in WebUI

This topic provides information about the new features and updates in SCM App in WebUI.

What's new in v1.1.0

The SCM App in WebUI includes the following features:

  • Landing page: Implementation of data grid for custom and external checklists in the SCM App landing page allows you to view, search, and sort checklists based on various properties such as No. of checks, created, updated, subscribed device count, platform, and status.
  • Create: You can create both custom checklist and check using the Create drop-down in the landing page.
  • Compliance check creation wizard: This wizard allows you to create checks using SCM relevance and Unix content method.
  • Inline reports: SCM App leverages the Inline reports feature available in BigFix WebUI and generates a donut chart and bar graphs for the selected custom or external checklist. These chart and graph provide an overall status of the checklist by assessing the available checks in both custom or external checklist. For more information, see Viewing a custom checklist and Viewing an external checklist.
  • Checklist details page: Added four new columns in the contents tab of custom checklist details page and external checklist details page. The new columns are deployment percentage, undeployed device count, compliance percentage, and non-compliant devices count which also contributes to inline reporting. Additionally, Content ID column is added in the external checklist details page. For more information on Inline reporting, see Inline reports.
  • Export: This feature allows you to customize and download the custom or external checklist reports in .csv, .xlsx, and .pdf formats. For more information, see Exporting report.
  • Show/Hide summary: This feature allows you to display and hide the inline reports for both custom and external checklist.
  • Modifying checks: You can edit or delete a custom copy of a check or the checks which are created and added to the custom checklist. Also, you can add multiple relevance and remediation script when you edit the check. For more information, see Editing a custom check.

Features added in previous version

The following updates were released with SCM App in WebUI v1.0.0:

  • Landing page: Shows all the available custom and external checklist with details such as number of checks, updated information, number of subscribed devices, status of checklist (out of sync or new or refreshed) and site information in a tile or list view.
  • Data Grid: By implementing a data grid in SCM App, you can quickly view the checks in a tabular format and use the features such as filter, search, and sort to find checks quickly. For more information on the data grid, see Grid View.
  • Create Custom Checklists: Create checklist by using multiple external checklists that result in managing a large category of devices.
  • Custom Checklist Affected: Lists all the custom checklist that are affected by the external checklist.
  • New and Refreshed External checklists: Representation of newly published or refreshed external checklists with icons.
  • Deployment Summary: Quick access to other WebUI apps such as Devices and Deployments from SCM App.