
Domains view lists the domains for which you have permission to run dynamic (DAST) scans, and lets you verify additional domains for scanning. Verification is not needed for private sites, where an AppScan Presence is used.

Table 1. Domain page items and options
Item or option Description
Verify a new domain Click to verify your permission to scan a domain not yet listed here. See Verifying a domain.
Filter Use to filter the displayed list.
Columns For each verified domain the table shows:
  • Domain name
  • Description
  • Date added
  • Added by
  • Verification status: Pending user action or Verified
  • Verification method: Whether verified by email or by adding an HTML file to the site
  • Enabled: You can disable a verified site, so it cannot be scanned, and enable it again later
  • Last scanned
Download Download the HTML file to add to the site.
Delete Delete this domain from the list of verified sites.

Domain details panel

To view furhter details for a domain, click on the domain name.

The details pane duplicates and expands upon information in the main domains view.

Tab Field Description
Details Added by
Date added
Description Click the pencil to add or edit the description of the domain.
Last scanned
Verification method
Verification status
Settings Delete domain