TAGMODE – Set automatic tagging

TAGMODE turns on automatic tagging of descriptions for All Workstations Closed, Calendar Specific Dates, and Workstation Intervals.

By setting TAGMODE and the related TAGMASK OPTIONS, you can add a tag to the description with information containing both the Day of the Week and the Day of the Year. This allows a better understanding and verification of these dates when viewing the related items.

Tagging occurs every time the DESCR keyword is set for one of these objects using Batch Loader.

Valid values for TAGMODE are:
No tagging occurs (default).
The tag is added to the front of the description.
The tag is added to the end of the description.
The tag is added to the end of the description and is right justified to the maximum length of the description.
Note: If the length of the DESCR and the tag exceed the length of the field, the tagged description is truncated when using PREFIX and SUFFIX and text can be overwritten when using RIGHT.