RUNSTAT – Alter run cycle status

Modifies the unloaded values of the Valid From (ADRVALF) and Valid To (ADRVALT) dates of each run cycle. This affects the value in any generated Data or Batch Loader output. It does not affect the database, unless you process the generated Batch Loader output.

RUNSTAT is designed to enable you to turn off the planning capability of an application while still allowing it to be submitted, so that the planning capability can be later reinstated. Typically, this option is used for copying production schedules to a test environment, or disaster recovery testing.

For run cycle status within generated batch loader you can set the following values:
Puts any run cycles that are Valid To LOWDATE back into effect with VALFROM being the current Workload Automation Programming Language date and VALTO being HIGHDATE (for example, 711231).
Do nothing with run cycle VALFROM and VALTO values (default).
Sets the VALFROM and VALTO values to LOWDATE (for example, 720101) for any run cycles for which the Valid To date is set to the current Workload Automation Programming Language date, or later.
  1. If you SUSPEND a run cycle with a Valid To date set to a future date other than HIGHDATE, this information is lost. When the application is later reinstated with ACTIVATE, it uses HIGHDATE as the new Valid To date.
  2. In the ISPF panels, the VALTO date is translated to an “Out of Effect” date. This means that the date listed in the “Out Of Effect” column is actually one day after the actual VALTO date (with the exception of HIGHDATE, which is listed the same as VALTO as opposed to the day after). It is important to understand this as a run cycle showing an “Out Of Effect” date in the panels of “today” will actually have a VALTO date of “yesterday” and therefore not be affected by RUNSTAT(SUSPEND).