Messages and Return Codes

Messages and return codes provide information for problems occurred.

Workload Automation Programming Language messages have a variety of severities, each with corresponding return codes. Messages with severities A, O, W, and E can be suppressed by using OPTIONS SEVERITY. You can also use OPTIONS MSGLEVEL to determine the number of messages issued. Use the SETSEV command to modify the severity of specific messages to allow individual errors to be considered acceptable for individual running of Workload Automation Programming Language.

Value Code Explanation
0 I Informational messages that cannot be excluded by the SEVERITY option. These messages are self-explanatory and are not documented.
0 A Advisory messages that can be excluded by the SEVERITY option.
0 O Advisory messages that may also be routed to the Operator Console by use of the OPMSG option. These can be excluded by the SEVERITY option.
4 W Warning messages that can be excluded by the SEVERITY option.
8 E Error messages that can be excluded by the SEVERITY option.
12 F Fatal messages that cannot be excluded by the SEVERITY option.
16 C Critical initialization processing error.

With the exception of a few Critical messages, all message text is provided in an external file, therefore message text and severity can be customized to meet the specific requirements of your site. However, you will have to repeat this customization when you upgrade Workload Automation Programming Language.