Batch loader commands

The batch loader function of Workload Automation Programming Language uses a set of statements to define or modify objects within the HCL Workload Automation for Z database.

Batch loader can be freely intermingled with other Workload Automation Programming Language commands, but no other Workload Automation Programming Language commands must intervene within a set of batch loader statements for a single HCL Workload Automation for Z database object.

Each HCL Workload Automation for Z object can be constructed using one or more batch loader statements, each statement relates to a component of the object. For example, an Application needs and ADSTART statement to define the core elements, such as the name and owner ID, an ADRUN statement for each run cycle and ADOP statements for each operation. The statements are hierarchical, so each ADOP statement can be followed by multiple ADDEP statements to define dependencies and ADSR statements to define Special Resource usage.

Every Batch Loader construct begins with a command that ends in START, such as ADSTART or ETTSTART. The end of the construct will be when either a new xxxSTART statement, or a statement not belonging to that object is encountered.