WS – Workstation record

The WS record is a multi segment record with the following structure.

WSCOM -+- Common segment (1 per WS)
       +- WSAM – Access Method (up to 1 per WS)
       += WSSD =+= Specific Date (many per WS)
       |        |
       |        += WSIVL = Workstation Interval 
       |                   (many per WSSD)
       += WSWD =+= Weekday (up to 8 per WS)
       |        |
       |        += WSIVL = Workstation Interval 
       |                   (many per WSWD)
       += WSDEST = Virtual Workstation Destination
                   (many per WS) 
  1. Some segments have Batch Loader statements with slightly different names. WSCOM has a batch loader statement of WSSTART.
  2. The WSDEST statements do not define the full details of the Virtual Workstation Destination, instead the make a reference to a WSV record which contains the complete details. WSV records must be defined with WSVSTART and subordinate statements. A default WSV record is automatically created when a WSDEST statement is processed.