AD – Application definition record

The AD record is a multi segment record with the following structure.

ADCOM -+- Common segment (1 per appl)
       += ADAPD =+= Application dependency(ies)
       += ADRUN =+= Run Cycle(s)
       |         |
       |         +- ADRULE – Rule (1 per run cycle)
       += ADOP =+= Operation(s)
                += ADDEP = Dependency(ies)
                += ADXIV = External dependency interval(s)
                += ADSR = Special resource(s)
                +- ADOPEXT – Extended name (1 per op)
                +- ADOPSAI – System Automation (1 per op)
                += ADCNC = Condition(s)
                += ADCNS = Conditional dependency(ies)
                += ADCIV = Conditional dependency interval(s)
                += ADUSRF = User field(s)
                += ADVDD  = Variable duration(s)
                +- ADRE =- Remote job (1 per op)
Note: Some segments have Batch Loader statements with slightly different names:
  • ADCOM has a Batch Loader statement of ADSTART
  • ADOPEXT has a Batch Loader statement of ADEXT
  • ADOPSAI has a Batch Loader statement of ADSAI
  • ADUSRF has a Batch Loader statement of ADUSF