DYNLOG – Create a dynamic copy of the Workload Automation Programming Language log

During parallel testing, if the OPTIONS FAIL(N) or SPOOF keywords are used, you cannot identify the problems with the HCL Workload Automation for Z part of the processing. This keyword prompts Workload Automation Programming Language to create a copy of the log in a uniquely named data set, so that the logs can be collated and scanned for errors at points in the testing cycle.

DYNLOG defines the prefix to use for creating the logs. It can be up to 18 characters.

For example, OPTIONS DYNLOG(MY.WAPLLOG) creates log files with the convention MY.WAPLLOG.Dyymmdd.Thhmmssx.jjjjjjj

The current date.
The time.
Unique suffix, starting with A. If two jobs with the same name run within the same second, the suffix is incremented.
Name of the job.
  1. DYNLOG cannot be used with the load module EQQWAPL.
  2. All the messages related to the dynamic log are by default set to Advisory severity. Failing to create or write to a dynamic log does not issue a non-zero return code, because the processing performed by the job is not at risk. To change this behavior, use the SETSEV command to modify the severity of messages 306 and 308, which are related to failures in the dynamic log process.