OPID – Identify controlling operation

When required, Workload Automation Programming Language finds automatically the occurrence that controls the job where it is running by searching for the job name and JES number in the CP or through the contents of the EQQCPOP file, which is usually populated by supplied variables.

In some scenarios, you could run a Workload Automation Programming Language job on behalf of an operation in the current plan, which could not be the actual job submitted by the controller or tracker. For example, you can submit a Workload Automation Programming Language process from the status-change-exit. To allow these processes to be connected to the operation, use the OPID keyword in the ARGS symbolic parameter.

To prevent the search, set the OPID keyword to the application ID, occurrence input arrival, and number of the operation with which you want to associate it, in the following format:
For example:

For jobs that are not controlled by HCL Workload Automation for Z, set OPTIONS OPID(-) to prevent Workload Automation Programming Language from searching for that jobs.