Standard format

The workstation on which the job runs.
The name of the job stream.
The time and date when the job was scheduled to run in the plan.
The name of the job. The following notation may precede a job name:
>> rerun as
A job that was rerun with the rerun command, or as a result of automatic recovery.
>> rerun rerun_number of rerun_total
A job that is part of a rerun sequence and its position within the sequence
>> rerun step
A job that was rerun with the rerun ;step command.
>> every run
The second and subsequent runs of an every job.
>> recovery
The run of a recovery job.
The state of the job or job stream. Job states are as follows:
The job ended with a non-zero exit code.
An abend confirmation was received, but the job is not completed.
The job is being submitted.
For internetwork dependencies only. The remote job or job stream has been cancelled.
The job completed in an unknown state.
For internetwork dependencies only, an error occurred while checking for the remote status.
The job is running.
For internetwork dependencies only, the status is unknown. An error occurred, a rerun action was just performed on the job in the EXTERNAL job stream, or the remote job or job stream does not exist.
Unable to launch the job.
The priority of the job is below the fence.
The job is awaiting dependency resolution.
The job is introduced for launching by the system.
The job completed, and is awaiting confirmation.
The job is ready to launch, and all dependencies are resolved.
The at time set for the job has not been reached.
The job completed with an exit code of zero.
A SUCC confirmation was received, but the job is not completed.
The job is suppressed because the condition dependencies associated to its predecessors are not satisfied.
The job is in the WAIT state (extended agent).

Job stream states are as follows:

The job stream ended with a nonzero exit code.
The job stream was added with operator intervention.
The job stream is pending cancellation. Cancellation is deferred until all of the dependencies, including an at time, are resolved.
For internetwork dependencies only, an error occurred while checking for the remote status.
The job stream is running.
For internetwork dependencies only. This is the state of the EXTERNAL job stream containing jobs referencing to jobs or job streams in the remote network.
The job stream is awaiting dependency resolution.
The job stream is ready to launch and all dependencies are resolved.
Execution of the job stream was interrupted. No jobs are launched without operator intervention.
The job stream completed successfully.
The job stream is suppressed because the condition dependencies associated to its predecessors are not satisfied.
The priority of the job stream or job. A plus sign (+) preceding the priority means the job has been launched.
The start time of the job stream or job. Parentheses indicate an estimate of the start time. If the command is performed on the same day when the job is scheduled to run, the Start parameter displays a time as (Est)Start. If the command is performed on a day different from the day when the job is scheduled to run, the Start parameter displays a date as (Est)Start. For example if you have the following job whose start time occurs on the same day when the job is scheduled to run:
AT 1700 
 AT 1800 
You receive the following output:
%sj @#@
                                            (Est)  (Est)
CPU      Schedule SchedTime  Job   State Pr Start  Elapse RetCode Deps
MASTERB1#JS_B     1700 08/18 ***** HOLD  10(17:00)
                             JOB1  HOLD  10(18:00)
For example if you have the following job whose start time occurs on a day different from the day when the job is scheduled to run:
AT 0400 
 AT 0500 
You receive the following output:
%sj @#@
                                            (Est)  (Est)
CPU      Schedule SchedTime  Job   State Pr Start  Elapse RetCode Deps
MASTERB1#JS_A     0400 08/19 ***** HOLD  10(08/19)
                             JOB_A HOLD  10(08/19)
The run time of the job stream or job. Parentheses indicate an estimate based on logged statistics.
A list of job dependencies and comments. Any combination of the following can be listed:
  • For a follows dependency, a job stream or job name is displayed.

    If the job or job stream is a pending predecessor, its name is followed by a [P].

    In case of an orphaned dependency an [O] is displayed.

    For conditional dependencies, the name of the predecessor job or job stream is displayed followed by one or more output conditions in the format, IF <condition_name> ... where condition_name can represent the execution status of the predecessor job or job stream, the job or job stream status, or other conditions based on the output or outcome of the predecessor job. When there is more than one condition specified, the conditions are separated by the pipe (|) symbol. The following is what appears in the showjob output in the Dependencies column for a predecessor job, JOBL1, with several output conditions set on it. Whichever condition is satisfied determines which successor job runs:
    When more than one output condition is aggregated or joined, for example, when 2 conditions out of 2 need to be satisfied before the successor job can run, then the output is displayed as follows:
           JOIN MYJOIN      2 OF

    For more information on pending predecessors and orphaned dependencies refer to Managing external follows dependencies for jobs and job streams.

  • For an opens dependency, the file name is displayed. If the file resides on an extended agent and its name is longer than 25 characters, only the last 25 characters are displayed.
  • For a needs dependency, a resource name enclosed in hyphens (-) is displayed. If the number of units requested is greater than one, the number is displayed before the first hyphen.
  • For a deadline time, the time preceded by an angle bracket (<) is displayed.
  • For an every rate, the repetition rate preceded by an ampersand (&) is displayed.
  • For an until time, the time preceded by an angle bracket (<) is displayed.
  • For a maximum duration time that is exceeded, [MaxDurationExceeded] is displayed in addition to the setting maxdur=hhh:mm.
  • For a maximum duration time that is exceeded, and for which the onmaxdur action is set to Kill, [KillSubmitted] is displayed.
  • For a maximum duration time that is exceeded, and for which the onmaxdur action is set to Continue, [Continue] is displayed.
  • For a minimum duration time that is not reached and for which a job completes with success, [MinDurationNotReached] is displayed in addition to the setting mindur=hhh:mm.
  • For a minimum duration time that is not reached, and for which the onmindur action is set to Continue, [Continue] is displayed.
  • For a minimum duration time that is not reached, and for which the onmindur action is set to Abend, [Abended] is displayed.
  • For a minimum duration time that is not reached, and for which the onmindur action is set to Confirm, [ConfirmSubmitted] is displayed.
  • For a prompt dependency, the prompt number is displayed in the format #num. For global prompts, the prompt name follows in parentheses.
  • For running jobs, the process identification number (PID) is displayed in the format #Jnnnnn.
  • Jobs submitted on UNIX® using the HCL Workload Automation at and batch commands are labeled [Userjcl].
  • When reporting time dependencies the showjobs command shows in the Start column:
    • Only the time hh:mm if the day when the time dependencies is set matches with the day when the showjobs command is run.
    • Only the date MM/DD if the day when the time dependencies is set does not match with the day when the showjobs command is run.
  • Cancelled jobs are labeled [Cancelled].
  • Jobs cancelled with ;pend option are labeled [Cancel Pend].
  • Jobs with expired until times, including jobs cancelled with ;pend option, are labeled [Until].
  • [Recovery] means that operation intervention is required.
  • [Confirmed] means that confirmation is required because the job was scheduled using the confirm keyword.
  • [Script] applies to end-to-end networks only; it means that this job has a centralized script and that has not yet been downloaded to the agent.

In the Dependencies column is also listed the name of the actual workstation where the job ran. This detail is available only if the job has started and has run on a pool workstation. This information can be useful, for example when you need to determine your license consumption and therefore need to know on which workstation in the pool the job actually ran.

For more information about licensing, see License computation model .