
Displays information about job streams.

For information about how to use wildcards to filter job streams and the folders within which they are defined, see Wildcards.

The displayed information is updated only as long as HCL Workload Automation (batchman) is running. Whether batchman is up or down is confirmed on screen by the Batchman LIVES or Batchman down message when you issue the conman start command.

You must have list access to the object being shown if the enListSecChk option was set to yes on the master domain manager when the production plan was created or extended.


{showscheds | ss} [jstreamselect]

{showscheds | ss} [jstreamselect]
     [;deps[;keys | info | logon]]


See Selecting job streams in commands.
Displays a single column list of the objects selected by the command.
Displays information in the deps format; that is, the job streams used in follows dependencies are listed followed by the dependent jobs and job streams. Jobs are listed in the basic showjobs format. Job streams are listed in the basic showschedules format. Use "keys", "info", or "logon" to modify the "deps" display.
Displays information in the info format.
Displays information in the logon format.
Sends the output of the command to the conman output device. For information about this device, see Offline output.
Displays for each job stream the job stream identifier.


The output of the command is produced in three formats: standard, keys, and deps. The arguments keys, info, and logon modify the deps display. The list displayed in the output of the command does not include jobs that were rerun in previous scheduling processes, but the total shown at the end does.


To display the status of job stream CLEM_DOCOM defined in the folder PROD, on workstation SITE3 defined in the folder EU, and ask for the job stream identifier, run the following command:
%ss /EU/SITE3#/PROD/JS_DOCOM ;showid
A sample output of this command is the following:
                                          (Est) (Est)  Jobs  Sch
Workstation Job Stream SchedTime State Pr Start Elapse #  OK Lim
>>          /PROD/
site3      #JS_DOCOM  0600 11/26 SUCC  10 11/26 00:01  1   1      {0AAAAAAAAAAAACRZ}
To display the status of all job streams defined in all folders in the HOLD state on the workstation on which you are running conman, run the following command:
showschedules /@/@+state=hold
A sample output for this command is the following:
                                            (Est)  (Est)  Jobs   Sch
Workstation Job Stream SchedTime  State Pr  Start  Elapse #  OK  Lim
>>          /PROD/
site3       #FILE_JS1  0600 11/26 HOLD  10 (11/26)        1   0       parms FILE_JS1`
To display the status of all job streams with name beginning with sched on workstation CPUA in the deps;info format, run the following command:
ss CPUA#sched@;deps;info
A sample output is the following:
  CPU   Schedule SchedTime Job    JobFile              Opt   Job       Prompt

CPUA  #JS_FIRST1[(0600 03/10/18),(0AAAAAAAAAAAABVY)] Dependencies are:
  CPUA#MOD 0212 03/10
                           JOBMDM /usr/scripts/gl1(B236153+#)JOB_FTA1  echo Start gl1?
  CPUA#MOD 0251 03/10
                           JOBMDM /usr/scripts/gl2(B236153+#)JOB_FTA2  echo Start gl2?
To display offline the status of all job streams in the ABEND state on all workstations, run the following command:
ss @#@+state=abend;off
To display the status of all job streams defined in all folder and on all workstations defined in all folders, run the following command:
%ss /@/@#/@/@
This is a sample output for the command. The output includes a job stream with two conditional dependencies. The first, job stream JS_CALC, has an external conditional dependency on a predecessor job JOB12P in the JS_REPORT job stream. If JOB12P satisfies the condition represented by ON STATUS_OK, then the successor runs. The second, job stream JS_CALC has an external conditional dependency on job stream JS_TAX on which two output conditions are set: IF ABEND | SUPPR.
                                             (Est)  (Est)    Jobs  Sch
Workstation Job Stream  SchedTime  State Pr  Start  Elapse  #  OK  Lim
>>          /PROD/
site3       #JS_DOCOM   0600 09/20 SUCC  10  09/20  00:01   1   1
site3       #JS_SCRIPT  0600 09/20 SUCC  10  09/20  00:03   1   1
site2       #JS_PRED1   1000 09/20 SUCC  10  09/20  00:01   1   1
site3       #JS_SCRIPT1 0600 09/20 ABEND 10  09/20  00:01   1   0
site3       #LFILEJOB   0600 09/20 READY 10                 1   0
site1       #RES_100    0600 09/20 SUCC  10  09/20  00:09   1   1
site3       #FILE_JS1   0600 09/20 HOLD  10 (09/20)         1   0        parms FILE_JS1`
site3       #FILE_JOB   0600 09/20 SUCC  10  09/20  00:01   1   1
site3       #JS_CALC    0000 09/20 HOLD  10 (09/20)         1   0        
JS_REPORT (0000 09/20/18).JOB12P IF STATUS_OK
JS_TAX (0000 09/20/18).@ IF ABEND | SUPPR

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same task as follows:
  1. In the navigation bar at the top, click Monitoring and Reporting > Orchestration Monitor.
  2. Select an engine.
  3. In Object Type, select Workstation/Job Stream/Job.
  4. From the Query drop-down list, select All Job Streams in plan or another task to monitor job streams.
  5. Click Run to run the monitoring task.