
Displays the conman banner and the HCL Workload Automation production status.


{status | stat}


Following the word schedule on the second line of output, the production plan (Symphony file) mode is shown in parentheses. The Def or Exp information can appear. Def means that the production plan is in non-expanded mode, and Exp means it is in expanded mode. The mode of the production plan is determined by the setting of the global option expanded version.


The following example displays the status of the current production plan.

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  # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2016 All rights reserved.
  # (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2016, 2024 All rights reserved.
  # * Trademark of International Business Machines
  # ** Trademark of HCL Technologies Limited
Job stream (Exp) 11/26/19 (#34) on site3. 
Batchman LIVES. Limit:19, Fence:0, Audit Level:0