
Displays information about workstations and links.

The displayed information is updated only while HCL Workload Automation (batchman) is running on the workstations. If batchman is up or down is confirmed on screen by the Batchman LIVES or Batchman down message when you issue the conman start command.

You must have list access to the object being shown if the enListSecChk option was set to yes on the master domain manager when the production plan was created or extended.


{showcpus | sc} [[domain!][folder/]workstation]

{showcpus | sc} [[domain!][folder/]workstation] [;getmon]


Specifies the name of a domain. The default is the domain in which the command is run.
Specifies the name of a workstation and optionally, the folder in which is it defined. The default is the workstation where the command is run. When no domain and no workstation are specified, the output can be the following:
  • The following command displays all the workstations that are in the domain of the workstation where the command was run, plus all the connected domain managers if the workstation is a domain manager.
    conman "sc"
  • The following command displays all the workstations that are in the domain of the workstation where the command was run, without the connected domain managers.
    conman "sc @"
Displays information in the info format.
Displays information in the link format.
Sends the output of the command to the conman output device. For information about this device, see Offline output.
Displays a unique identifier that identifies a workstation, resource or prompt. These objects are no longer identified in the plan solely by their names, but also by the folder in which they are defined. The name and folder association is mapped to a unique identifier. For example, for workstations, the this_cpu option is the unique identifier of the workstation in the localopts file. You can verify the unique identifier for workstations, resources, and prompts by submitting the composer list command, together with the ;showid filter, or by submitting the conman command, showcpus, showresources, or showprompts, in combination with the ;showid filter. See the related example in the Examples section.

Identifying workstations by their unique identifier avoids the problem that occurred in previous versions when objects were renamed in the plan. For example, if an object was renamed and then carried forward to a new production plan, references to the old object name were lost. With the implementation of the unique identifier, this will no longer occur and dependencies will be correctly resolved.

When deleting a workstation, if the workstation is still in the plan, then another workstation cannot be renamed with the name of the deleted workstation for the number of days specified by the global option folderDays. However, a brand new workstation can be created with the name of the deleted workstation. This behavior applies only to dynamic agents, pools, and dynamic pools. The default value is 10 days.

Returns the list of event rules defined for the monitor running on the specified workstation in the following format:
The rule scope is automatically generated information about rule attributes, such as the workstations where it is used, a job or file name, and so on.

The header of the output contains also the time stamp of when the rule configuration package was last generated.

Note: This option is not valid on dynamic workload broker workstations (or dynamic domain managers). In this case, you can retrieve the information about the active rules defined in these workstations in the TWA_home\TWS\monconf\TWSObjectsMonitor.cfg file on the master domain manager.


When the getmon parameter is not used, the output of the command is produced in three formats, standard, info, and link. The default value is standard. The meaning of the characters displayed depends on the type of format you select.

When the getmon parameter is used, the list of rules is provided as separate output.


  1. To display all workstations in all folders, run the following command:
    sc /@/@
  2. To display all workstations, in all folders, including the unique identifier for the workstation in the plan, run the following command:
    sc @;showid
    The following is a sample of the output for this command. The unique identifier for workstations defined in the root folder is identical to the workstation name (CPUID). For workstations defined in a folder different from the root, the unique identifier is different from the workstation name (CPUID). In this output sample, ">>/MERGERS/AP/WINFTA", refers to the folder path where the WINFTA workstation is defined:
    AP-MERGERS-WIN      35 *UNIX MASTER   10     0 10/01/23 23:59    I J  M EA        MASTERDM         {AP-MERGERS-WIN    }
    AP-MERGERS-LNX86    35  UNIX AGENT    10     0 10/01/23 23:59  LBI J  M           MASTERDM         {AP-MERGERS-LNX86}
    AP-MERGERS-LNX36    35  OTHR BROKER   10     0 10/01/23 23:59  LTI JW             MASTERDM         {AP-MERGERS-LNX36}
    MASTERAGENTS        35  OTHR POOL     10     0 10/01/23 23:59  LBI J              MASTERDM         {MASTERAGENTS    }
    WINFTA              35  UNIX FTA      10     0 10/01/23 23:59  LTI JW M           MASTERDM         {0AAA5D7ZC7BY24A6}
  3. To display information about the workstation on which you are running conman in the info format, run the following command:
    showcpus ;info
    A sample output for this command is:
    CPUID         VERSION   TIME ZONE               INFO
    MASTER         10.2.2  US/Pacific              Linux 2.6.5-7.191-s390 #1 SM
    FTA1           10.2.2                          Linux 2.4.9-e.24 #1 Tue May             
  4. To display link information for all workstations, run the following command:
    sc @!@;link
    A sample output is the following:
    MASTER     MASTER     AF T  51099
    FTA1       FTA1       AF T  51000  CPU235019
    FTA2       FTA2       AF T  51000
    BROKER1    MASTER     A  T  51111   
  5. To display information about the workstation, run the following command:
    If you run this command in an environment when the primary connection of the workstation with its domain or higher manager is not active, you receive the following output:
    MASTER  360 *WNT  MASTER   10    0 03/05/2023 1348   I J   E          MASTERDM
    FTA1    360  WNT  FTA      10    0 03/05/2023 1348 FTI JW M           MASTERDM
    FTA2    360  WNT  FTA      10    0 03/05/2023 1348 FTI JW M           MASTERDM
    FTA3    360  WNT  MANAGER  10    0 03/05/2023 1348 LTI JW M           DOMAIN1
    FTA4    360  WNT  FTA      10    0 03/05/2023 1348 F I J  M           DOMAIN1
    FTA5    360  WNT  FTA      10    0 03/05/2023 1348   I J  M           DOMAIN1
    SA1     360  WNT  S-AGENT  10    0 03/05/2023 1348 F I J  M           DOMAIN1
    XA_FTA4 360  OTHR X-AGENT  10    0 03/05/2023 1348 L I J  M           DOMAIN1
    FTA6    360  WNT  MANAGER  10    0 03/05/2023 1348 F I J  M           DOMAIN2
    FTA7    360  WNT  FTA      10    0 03/05/2023 1349 F I J  M           DOMAIN2
    FTA7    360  WNT  FTA      10    0 03/05/2023 1349 F I J  M           DOMAIN2
    BROKER  360  OTHR BROKER   10    0 03/05/2023 1349 LTI JW             MASTERDM
    If you run this command in an environment when the primary connection of the workstation with its domain or higher manager is active and at least one secondary connection is not active, you receive the following output:
    MASTER  360 *WNT  MASTER   10    0  03/05/2023 1348    I J   E          MASTERDM
    FTA1    360  WNT  FTA      10    0  03/05/2023 1348  FTI JW M           MASTERDM
    FTA2    360  WNT  FTA      10    0  03/05/2023 1348  FTI JW M           MASTERDM
    FTA3    360  WNT  MANAGER  10    0  03/05/2023 1348  FTI JW M           DOMAIN1
    FTA4    360  WNT  FTA      10    0  03/05/2023 1348  F I J  M           DOMAIN1
    FTA5    360  WNT  FTA      10    0  03/05/2023 1348  L I    M           DOMAIN1
    SA1     360  WNT  S-AGENT  10    0  03/05/2023 1348  F I J  M           DOMAIN1
    XA_FTA4 360  OTHR X-AGENT  10    0  03/05/2023 1348  L I J  M           DOMAIN1
    FTA6    360  WNT  MANAGER  10    0  03/05/2023 1348  F I J  M           DOMAIN2
    FTA7    360  WNT  FTA      10    0  03/05/2023 1349  F I J  M           DOMAIN2
    If you run this command in an environment when the primary connection of the workstation with its domain or higher manager and all secondary connections are active, you receive the following output:
    MASTER  360 *WNT  MASTER   10    0  03/05/2023 1348    I J    E         MASTERDM
    FTA1    360  WNT  FTA      10    0  03/05/2023 1348  FTI JW M           MASTERDM
    FTA2    360  WNT  FTA      10    0  03/05/2023 1348  FTI JW M           MASTERDM
    FTA3    360  WNT  MANAGER  10    0  03/05/2023 1348  FTI JW M           DOMAIN1
    FTA4    360  WNT  FTA      10    0  03/05/2023 1348  F I J  M           DOMAIN1
    FTA5    360  WNT  FTA      10    0  03/05/2023 1348  F I    M           DOMAIN1
    SA1     360  WNT  S-AGENT  10    0  03/05/2023 1348  F I J  M           DOMAIN1
    XA_FTA4 360  OTHR X-AGENT  10    0  03/05/2023 1348  L I J  M           DOMAIN1
    FTA6    360  WNT  MANAGER  10    0  03/05/2023 1348  F I J  M           DOMAIN2
    FTA7    360  WNT  FTA      10    0  03/05/2023 1349  F I J  M           DOMAIN2
  6. To get a list of active rule monitors on the workstation named CPU1, stored in folder myfolder, run this command:
    sc CPU1 getmon
    You get the following output:
    Monitoring configuration for CPU1:
    *** Package Date : 04/22/2023 12:00 GMT ***

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same task as follows:
  1. In the navigation bar at the top, click Monitoring and Reporting > Orchestration Monitor.
  2. Select an engine.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Workstation.
  4. From the Query drop-down list, select a query to monitor workstations.
  5. Click Run to run the monitoring task.