
Displays the conman program banner, inclusive of the version up to the installed fix pack level.


{version | v}


To display the conman program banner, run the following command:

The output is similar to this:

  # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM* and HCL**
  # 5698-WSH
  # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2016 All rights reserved.
  # (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2016, 2024 All rights reserved.
  # * Trademark of International Business Machines
  # ** Trademark of HCL Technologies Limited
Installed for user "twsuser". 
Locale LANG set to the following: "en"
Scheduled for (Exp) 05/20/19 (#8) on LB001542_MASTER.Batchman LIVES.
Limit:55,Fence:0,Audit Level:0