EQQI900 - EQQI999, Trace messages


Unable to read EQQLANG

Workload Automation Programming Language has been unable to read the language file EQQLANG, possibly due to the DD name not being allocated, or the input file never having been written to, or the record format not being appropriate to read with EXECIO.

Workload Automation Programming Language terminates before initialization has completed.

Determine the problem with the file, correct it and rerun.


Message <msgID> missing

Workload Automation Programming Language has attempted to issue a message that is not contained within the EQQLANG file.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Determine the reason for the failure. It is possible that the cause is that Language File is not the correct file for the version of EQQYXTOP that is executing, or has been customized incorrectly.


Unrecognized severity <severity>

The message file EQQLANG contains a message in which the severity is one not recognized by EQQYXTOP.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Determine the reason for the failure. It is possible that the cause is that Language File is not the correct file for the version of EQQYXTOP that is executing, or has been customized incorrectly.