EQQI100 - EQQI199, Data exception messages


Unable to read <DD name> <additional info>

Workload Automation Programming Language has been unable to read a file, possibly due to the DD name not being allocated, or the input file never having been written to, or the record format not being appropriate to read with EXECIO.

Additional info may contain the following:

The DD statement is not allocated.
The member is not found within the DD statement.
-ALLOC <rc>
Allocation of the EQQTEMP file failed with RC=<rc>.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Determine the problem with the file, correct it, and rerun.


Output file <DD name> not allocated - skipping

Workload Automation Programming Language has encountered an optional output file that has not been allocated.
No output is written to this file, Workload Automation Programming Language continues.
If the file should have been present, correct, and rerun.


Truncation occurred for file <DD name>

A file has been written to with at least one record that is longer than the record length.
The file is written with any oversize records are truncated at the record length.
Correct the record length and rerun.


Failed writing to <DD name> RC=<RC> (records=<count>)

An attempt has been made to write to an output file that has failed for reasons other than truncation. Possibly space or authority. The return code is from the REXX EXECIO service.
The file is not written successfully, it may contain partial data.
Determine the cause of the failure from return codes, additional messages and other additional information, such as file attributes. Correct and rerun.


<number> <type> versions already exist for <object>

An attempt has been made to create a new version of an object that is limited to the number of versions that can exist at once.

Controlled types are:

Limited to 4 versions per status.
No update takes place.
Delete unwanted old versions before attempting a rerun.


Item already exists so cannot be added

A Batch Loader request using OPTIONS DBMODE(ADD) for an object that is already in the database has been attempted.
The object is not added to the database.
Delete the object from the database or change the DBMODE to REPLACE and rerun.


No key information specified

A Batch Loader request has been specified that does not include any key fields to identify the object to update.
The database is not updated.
Amend the Batch Loader statements to include key fields or use a USELIST and rerun.


<list-name> contains records for <type1> instead of <type2>

A request to use the results of a saved list has been coded, but the list contains objects of a different type to the use that is being applied to.
No update takes place.
Correct the control statements to use an appropriate list and rerun.


Options <keyword> may not have full effect for this stream

The keyword is one that affects the way control statements are parsed. Workload Automation Programming Language will pre-parse an entire input stream of control statements to identify valid statements, consolidate continuation and remove comments before executing any of the statements. This means any subsequent statements in the same stream might not benefit from the changes made by this OPTIONS statement and parsing errors, such as unknown commands or keywords, may be reported.
The new parsing behavior takes effect from the next input stream.
Verify whether this is acceptable, and possibly move the OPTIONS statement to an earlier input stream.
Note: This warning is only issued for the input streams for standard input (SYSIN) and the REXX stack.


<segment> not found to delete

An attempt has been made to remove a non-existent segment from an existing object using the ACTION(DELETE) keyword in Batch Loader.
The object is not updated.
Correct the Batch Loader statements and rerun.


<action> for <type> <key information> ended with warnings

A Batch Loader request has completed but has produced additional warning messages. This message clarifies the action being attempted and identifies the object that has been used.

The action can be INSERT, REPLACE, or SUBMIT.

Batch Loader process completes with warnings.
Review the warning messages, if necessary correct and rerun.


<action> for <type> <key information> failed

A Batch Loader request has failed to complete. This message clarifies the action being attempted and identifies the object that has been used.

The action can be INSERT, REPLACE, or SUBMIT.

Batch Loader process failed.
Review the warning messages, correct and rerun.


EXECUTE not performed

Statements to update the Current Plan have been processed but not EXECUTE or RESET request has been performed.
No updates are made to the Current Plan.
Add an EXECUTE or RESET command to the control statements or use OPTIONS EXECUTE(AUTO).


<count> matches found for LISTSTAT

More than one record was identified as matching the arguments to the LISTSTAT request. Only one record must be identified for LISTSTAT to work.


OUTPUT statement not found for parent of <segment> - ignoring DATA(=)/LOADER(=)

An OUTPUT statement has been coded with a DATA or LOADER keyword using = as the value. This means that the destination for the parent segment should be used, but when this message appears it means that an OUTPUT statement for a parent segment has not been coded.
This message will be issued and the output stream for the keyword will be ignored.
Replace the = with a real destination or code an OUTPUT statement for the parent before this OUTPUT statement.


COPY cannot replace existing records <key-information>

An attempt has been made to copy an object over the top of an existing object using DBMODE(COPY).
No update takes place.
Either delete the existing object or alter the NEW field specifications to create an object that does not already exist.


Bad predecessor <pred> for <succ>

When both workstation and operation number are not specified together for a dependency, Workload Automation Programming Language must look up the values using the information provided. This message means not enough information was specified to uniquely identify a predecessor. Either the input had more than one possible match, or no match.
No update takes place.
Either provide both workstation and operation number, or refine the statements to ensure a unique operation is identified.


Cannot find a matching operation in the Current Plan

A command has been issued that needs to update an operation in the current plan, but the information provided does not match any operation in the plan.
The command terminates without performing any update.
Check the Current Plan to see if the operation you wish to update is that, and if so correct the command to provide the necessary information to locate the required operation.


Unable to find unique Application <adid> valid on <date>

An attempt has been made to INSERT an occurrence into the Current Plan using an alias. The ADID specified does not have a Valid Active version for the date it is due to run on.
An occurrence is not submitted.
Correct and rerun.


Unable to retrieve <type> <key information> from database

An attempt to SELECT a record from the database has failed.
The record is not retrieved.
Additional messages may indicate why the failure occurred. It may be that the object does not exist in the database. If the SELECT was generated as a result of a LIST statement it is possible that the object was deleted by another user between the LIST and SELECT.


Unexpected data format for <segment> <field>

Workload Automation Programming Language has encountered a field when reading a record that does not match the expected format as defined in the Workload Automation Programming Language data mapping.
Subsequent EQQI0132A messages will be issued with diagnostic information. A mini dump of the segment will be displayed. The command fails and Workload Automation Programming Language stops processing further commands.
Check that you are instructing Workload Automation Programming Language to run for the correct version of Workload Automation Programming Language and you have the correct OPTIONS SPE settings for that subsystem.


User field "<name>" not defined for this job

A VARSET USRF command has been issued with MISSING(ERROR) and the named user field was not defiled to the operation.
The command fails.
Correct the user field name or define the user field to the operation.


User field "<name>" not defined for this job

A VARSET USRF command has been issued with MISSING(FAIL) and the named user field was not defiled to the operation.
The command fails and Workload Automation Programming Language stops processing further commands.
Correct the user field name or define the user field to the operation.


File <ddname> not allocated

A command has been issued referring to a dd name that does not exist in the step.
The command fails and Workload Automation Programming Language stops processing further command.
Correct the DD name in the command or add the DD statement to the step.


File <ddname> not available for input processing

A command has been issued referring to a dd name that is not considered to be an input file, for example, a SYSOUT file.
The command fails and Workload Automation Programming Language stops processing further command.
Correct the DD name in the command or correct the DD statement in the JCL.


All data sets in <ddname> must be cataloged for search

An INCLUDE command has been issued referring to a member within a dd name that contains one or more partitioned data sets that are not catalogued. To perform a concatenation search Workload Automation Programming Language requires all of the data sets to be catalogued.
The command fails and Workload Automation Programming Language stops processing further command.
Either ensure all of the data sets are catalogued, or allocate the specific member explicitly in the JCL and INCLUDE from that explicit DD statement without specifying a member name.


Member <name> not found in <ddname>

An INCLUDE command has been issued referring to a member in a dd name that does not contain any datasets in which the named member exists.
The command fails and Workload Automation Programming Language stops processing further command.
Correct the DD name in the INCLUDE statements or correct the DD statement in the step to include a library containing the specified member.


Unable to allocate <dataset> to <ddname>

A command the requires a dynamic allocation to the Workload Automation Programming Language temporary file has been issued. This is done whenever a member is needed from a library that is specified in the JCL without the member explicitly specified.
The command fails and Workload Automation Programming Language stops processing further command.
Identify the reason for failure and rerun. The most likely cause is contention, but if you have also made a lot of dynamic allocations in the step then DYNAMNBR may need specifying in the JCL.


Cannot rename an item that does not exist

Batch loader has been specified with DBMODE UPDATE or COPY that specifies new key names using NEW_ fields, but the original key refers to an object that does not exist.
The command will fail.
Correct the batch loader key fields.


<UPDATE|COPY> will overwrite existing record <key information>

Batch loader has been specified with DBMODE UPDATE or COPY that specifies new key names using NEW_ fields. The new key points to an existing record but OPTIONS OVERWRITE(Y) has been specified.
The existing option will be overwritten.


No user fields match <mask>

An INCLUDE statement has been specified that has a mask which does not match any user fields attached to the job.
The command will fail.
Correct the mask, or user fields against the operation.


Table <name> could not be updated

A VARSAVE or SETVAR SAVE command was issued, but Workload Automation Programming Language was unable to update the table.
The command will fail, no updates were performed to the named table.
Determine the reason for failure. Most likely causes are contention, trying to update a table that doesn't exist, or insufficient access rights.


Updates to the current plan have failed

A DELETE, INSERT or MODIFY command for a resource beginning with CP has failed and OPTIONS CPFAIL(ABORT) is in effect. This is to protect against an incomplete sequence of update actions being committed to the current plan.
Return code 12 will be issued and processing will stop unless OPTIONS HIGHRC has been amended.
Determine the reason for failure and correct. If you wish to allow processing to continue in such circumstances set OPTIONS CPFAIL(ERROR).


No matching run cycles found within <application>

A PRSTART batch loader statement has been executed that includes setting dates from an Application, or a GETDATES command extracting dates from an application has been run. There were not run cycles within the application that matched either the Input Arrival or validity criteria.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=4 and continue.


An internal command failed – see previous messages

A command has been executed that internally calls other Workload Automation Programming Language commands and one of these internal commands has failed.
The reason for the failure will be listed in the message group for the internal command, earlier in the Workload Automation Programming Language log.
Respond to the earlier error messages.


Application validity <date-range> is outside range <date-range>

A PRSTART batch loader statement has been executed that includes setting dates from an Application, or a GETDATES command extracting dates from an application has been run. The named application is not in effect within the range specified by the FROMDATE and TODATE keywords.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=4 and continue.
Determine if this is the correct behaviour. If not alter the FROMDATE/TODATE range or correct the application and rerun.


No entries found matching criteria

A command has been issued to find elements in the database or plans, but nothing was found.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=4 and continue.
Review the output and correct if necessary.


<adid> <opno> has no successors for CONNECT(SUCC)

The QUEUE command has been issued with the CONNECT(SUCC) keyword specified.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=8 and continue.
Review the output and correct if necessary.


Unable to activate console <console-name>

A CONSOLE command was unable to activate an extended console.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=8 and continue.
Review associated messages and correct.


External command returned negative RC (1)

A CALL command has executed an external REXX routine that has resulted in a negative return code. This is often caused by the REXX routine not being found in the execution path.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=8 and continue.
Review the execution path to ensure the REXX routine is accessible.


Workstation <wsname> not suitable for <command> - Oper <ADID> <IA> <wsname>_<OPNO>

A current plan operations command has been issued for an operation that is not valid. The command might have been issued for all the operations in an occurrence, with the intention of applying the command only to the operations that are permitted.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=4 and continue.
Review the output and correct if necessary.


Cannot lock <record-type> <key> for <update-mode>

A batch loader command has been issued for an object that cannot be locked exclusively, after retrying in accordance with the OPTIONS CONTENTION setting.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=8 and continue.
Identify and resolve the cause of contentions before rerunning.


An internal command issued warnings - see previous messages

A command has been executed that called other commands internally that issued Warning messages effecting the success of the command.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=4 and continue.
Review the messages from the preceding block of messages.


Missing interval for <wsname> - Cannot reset

A WSALTER command has been executed that requested a reset of either parallel servers or resource quantities, but the FROM and TO keywords do not point to an existing interval.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=4 and continue.
An interval can only be reset if it already exists. Either correct the FROM and TO to point to the existing interval covering the time period you want to reset to planned values, or provide explicit values for PSCAP, R1CAP and R2CAP for the time period concerned.


Cannot find inserted job to edit JCL

An ADDJOB or JBSTART command has run with the JCL keyword, but the update process is unable to locate the newly inserted job.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=8 and continue.
Investigate why the inserted job cannot be located and rerun.


Completed successor AD=<applicationID> IA=<YYMMDDHHMM> OP=<nnn>

An ADDJOB or JBSTART command has run that has identified a defined successor that is already in a complete state. An external predecessor cannot be added to a completed operation. Keyword COMPSUCC(WARNING) has been specified.
Workload Automation Programming Language will not apply the dependency, issue RC=4, and continue.
Review the details to determine if further actions are required.


Completed successor AD=<applicationID> IA=<YYMMDDHHMM> OP=<nnn>

An ADDJOB or JBSTART command has run that has identified a defined successor that is already in a complete state. An external predecessor cannot be added to a completed operation. Keyword COMPSUCC(ERROR) has been specified.
Workload Automation Programming Language will not apply the dependency, issue RC=8, and continue.
Review the details to determine if further actions are required.


File <ddname> not open

A CLOSE command has been issued for a file that was not open.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=4 and continue.
Review the message to determine whether the file name needs to be corrected or the CLOSE command removed.


End of file reached for <ddname> at <number> records

A READ command has been executed that specified a number of records to read, but the file did not have that many records within it.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=4 and continue.
Investigate the reason for the discrepancy and correct.


Input file <ddname> not allocated for input

A command has been executed that requires an input file, but the named DD is either not allocated, or does not refer to an input file.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=8 and continue.
Correct the file allocations and rerun.


Failed reading from file <ddname> RC=<return-code>

A command has been executed that reads a file, but has failed.
Workload Automation Programming Language will issue RC=8 and continue.
Consult REXX documentation for the EXECIO command for an explanation of the return code.