EQQI002 - EQQI099, Workload Automation Programming Language control messages


Loading data definitions for HCL Workload Automation for Z <version> <spe>

Workload Automation Programming Language has initialized for a particular version of HCL Workload Automation for Z. The <version> number is the version of the HCL Workload Automation for Z software, <spe> contains a list of Small Product Enhancements considered to be in effect. This message is issued as Workload Automation Programming Language starts and may also be reissued as a result of OPTIONS statements that may require the data mapping to be reloaded.

Reference data is loaded in accordance with the HCL Workload Automation for Z version and applied Small Product Enhancements.



Parent statement <parent> missing for <segment>

An attempt has been made to use a segment with a required parent statement missing.

The command is not run.

Specify the missing parent statement and run the command again.


Segment <name> is not handled by Workload Automation Programming Language

A segment has been encountered in the PIF header that is currently not defined to Workload Automation Programming Language.

Workload Automation Programming Language will skip the segment and continue processing from the next segment.

Ensure you are running with the latest release of Workload Automation Programming Language.

Note: While Workload Automation Programming Language is in Early Release status, this message is severity A, as it is likely the current release of Workload Automation Programming Language will not handle every segment. Once Workload Automation Programming Language reaches complete status this message will be raised to W.


Exit <name> has set return code <rc>

A Workload Automation Programming Language Segment Processing Exit has terminated with a nonzero return code.

The return code is passed into the Workload Automation Programming Language processing and may impact the final exit code of WAPL.

Determine if this is expected. If necessary correct the exit and rerun.


Message <message-ID> changed from <severity> to <severity>

The severity of a Workload Automation Programming Language message has been redefined.

Any actions that may issue that message will set a return code in accordance with the new severity.



<segment> not supported for OUTPUT in version <version> of HCL Workload Automation for Z

An OUTPUT statement has referred to a segment name that is not valid for the version of HCL Workload Automation for Z that Workload Automation Programming Language is currently set to use.

The OUTPUT statement is ignored and processing continues.

If you are using any of the supplied FILESPEC members (for example, EQQFLALL), this could simply mean you are using a version of HCL Workload Automation for Z earlier than the latest release, or without all of the available Small Product Enhancements loaded. If this is the case this message can be safely ignored.

If this is your own OUTPUT statement causing the error then you may have mistyped the segment name, or are referring to a segment not available in the release of HCL Workload Automation for Z you are communicating with. Correct your input and rerun.

Note: This error message is initially delivered as an Advisory message as it is quite possible that many users may not be on the absolute latest release of HCL Workload Automation for Z with all the Small Product Enhancements applied. The FILExxxx FILESPEC members will raise the severity to W after they have loaded.

If you would sooner have this as a warning message to protect against mistyped segment names in your own FILESPEC members then use SETSEV to raise the priority of this message at the top of your FILESPEC member.

For example, SETSEV EQQI008W


<field> not in <segment> for <version> <SPEs>

An OUTPUT statement has been processed that refers to a field that does not exist within the specified segment for the version of HCL Workload Automation for Z being used and the Small Product Enhancements that have been activated.

Processing continues, the invalid fields will return no data.

If you are using any of the supplied FILESPEC members (for example, EQQFLALL), this could simply mean you are using a version of HCL Workload Automation for Z earlier than the latest release, or without all of the available Small Product Enhancements loaded. If this is the case this message can be safely ignored.

If this is your own OUTPUT statement causing the error then you may have mistyped a field or segment name, or are referring to a field not available in the release of HCL Workload Automation for Z you are communicating with. Correct your input and rerun.

Note: This error message is initially delivered as an Advisory message as it is quite possible that many users may not be on the absolute latest release of HCL Workload Automation for Z with all the Small Product Enhancements applied. The EQQFLALL and FILENONE members will raise the severity to W after they have loaded.

If you would sooner have this as a warning message to protect against mistyped segment names in your own FILESPEC members then use SETSEV to raise the priority of this message at the top of your FILESPEC member.

For example, SETSEV EQQI009W


Could not LIST <request-detail>

A LIST request has been processed without providing any results. Possible reasons are:
  • There are no records matching the specified criteria.
  • You are running the job without having at least READ access to the data being requested.
  • You issued a LIST CRITSUCS request for an occurrence that was dynamically added to a current plan with no critical operations. No entries are shown by ISPF option 6.7.

Processing continues, no data is returned, and return code 4 is set.

If the result is not as expected, perform the appropriate action as follows:
  • Review the data in the current plan and revise the LIST request appropriately.
  • After ensuring that you have the required authorization to complete the command execution, run the LIST request again.
  • If the LIST CRITSUCS did not return any output, run the command again either after a current plan EXTEND or REPLAN.
    Note: To prevent that LIST CRITSUCS does not return any data, ensure that at least 1 critical operation is included in the CP. The simplest way to do this is to mark any daily planning jobs EXTEND and REPLAN as CRITICAL=P, because one of these jobs is always included in the current plan and they are critical to the operations of HCL Workload Automation for Z.


HCL Workload Automation for Z version <IWSver> not supported by Workload Automation Programming Language <WAPLver>

An attempt has been made to start Workload Automation Programming Language with a version of HCL Workload Automation for Z that it was not written to support.

Processing terminates.

Contact the customer support to see if an alternate version of Workload Automation Programming Language is available.

Note: You can specify a supported version of HCL Workload Automation for Z to connect to an unsupported release. Be aware that this may allow you extract information from HCL Workload Automation for Z, but care should be taken if trying to update HCL Workload Automation for Z specifying a version other than the level of the subsystem being communicated with as failures or data loss may occur.


JOB <jobname>,<JESno,> is external to HCL Workload Automation for Z

A command has been run that needs to understand the context of the job executing the command within HCL Workload Automation for Z. This message informs the user of the controlling Job Name and JES number, and determines that the job is not being controlled by HCL Workload Automation for Z.




JOB <jobname>,<JESno,> in <ADID> <IA> <OPNO>

A command has been run that needs to understand the context of the job executing the command within HCL Workload Automation for Z. This message informs the user of the controlling Job Name and JES number, and show the controlling Application ID, Input Arrival, and Operation number.




Scanning activated for prefix of <prefix>

A VARSUB SCAN command has been issued.

Any subsequent statements will be scanned for the character listed as <prefix> and perform variable substitution.



Scanning deactivated

A VARSUB NOSCAN command has been encountered.

Variable substitution will not take place for any subsequent statements.



Variable <name> not found

Variable substitution encountered a variable name that it could not find either as a supplied variable, in a listed variable table or as a user variable.

The command fails and Workload Automation Programming Language stops processing further commands.

Either correct the variable name, define it, or add a new TABLE reference that contains it.


Table <table> not found

A reference has been made to a JCL variable table that does not exist.

The command fails and Workload Automation Programming Language stops processing further commands.

Correct the table name or create the table.


Table <name> loaded

A JCL variable table has been opened and the values from it loaded at this point.

Any variables referenced from within that table will use the values as they were at the point it is loaded, unless the values were changed by this Workload Automation Programming Language job.



Search sequence <list of tables>

A command has been issued that either opens or closes a JCL variable table, or otherwise alters the search sequence.

This message lists the order that tables will be searched to find an unloaded variable value.



Dependent variable loop (1)

A dependent variable has been referenced that refers to a chain of dependent variables that lead back to it.

The command will fail.

Correct the dependencies.


Table <name> was not open

An attempt to CLOSE a table was made, but the table was not open at this point.

The command will fail.

Remove the VARSUB CLOSE for the offending table.


Table <name> dropped

A VARSUB CLOSE command has been issued for this table.

The values are unloaded and Workload Automation Programming Language will not search this table for subsequent variable resolution.



Variable <name> has not been assigned to a table

A VARSET SAVE command was issued for a variable that is not connected with any JCL variable table.

The command will fail and Workload Automation Programming Language stops processing further commands.

Correct the variable name or assign to a TABLE.


Date <variable-name> adjusted by <amount>

A VARDATE command has been issued to create a date variable and the rule landed on a weekend date with the RULE keyword not set to ON.

Workload Automation Programming Language will adjust the date in response to the rule and list the positive or negative number of days that it was adjusted by.



Date <variable-name> set to <value>

A VARDATE or VARSET command has been issued to a variable.

For VARDATE, Workload Automation Programming Language will list the variable name, the date in format yymmdd, or the user specified format if FORMAT is coded. This will be followed by the day of the week the date falls upon to ease validation of the results. For VARSET only the variable name and value will be shown.



<name> not found

A command has been issued that referred to a SAVELIST or OBJECT that has not been created in this job.

Workload Automation Programming Language will stop processing.

Correct the name of the item and rerun.


POOL/DYNAMIC POOL workstations not permitted with batch loader

An attempt has been made to create or update a POOL or DYNAMIC POOL workstation using Workload Automation Programming Language. Though Workload Automation Programming Language will export batch loader for these types of workstation for reference use, they cannot be created or updated via Workload Automation Programming Language as elements of their definition are stored on the dynamic domain manager.

The command terminates with an error. Workload Automation Programming Language continues with the next command.

Define the workstation manually via the Dynamic Workload Console.


Cannot <action> operation <opno> on <wstype> workstation <wsname>

A current plan operation command has been issued that has selected an operation on a workstation type that is incompatible with the action being requested.

Workload Automation Programming Language will continue processing other operations selected by the command, but the command will end with warnings. Workload Automation Programming Language continues with the next command.

If this was not the desired result, refine the identification or filter keywords to avoid the selection of this operation.


Dependency target missing – ADID(<adid>) OPNO(<opno>)

An ADDJOB command has identified an operation which has a dependency that points to an operation that does not exist.

Workload Automation Programming Language will continue processing other operations and dependencies discovered by the command, but the command will end with warnings. Workload Automation Programming Language continues with the next command.

Correct the identified application definition.


Dependency target has no jobname – ADID(<adid>) OPNO(<opno>)

An ADDJOB command has identified an operation which has a dependency that points to an operation that does not have a job name.

Workload Automation Programming Language will continue processing other operations and dependencies discovered by the command, but the command will end with warnings. Workload Automation Programming Language continues with the next command.

If this job is intended to be used by ADDJOB consider revising the target operation to provide a job name, so job name searches can be used for dynamic dependencies.


INCLUDE loop detected for <member>

An INCLUDE command has attempted to load a member that has already been loaded higher up the INCLUDE chain.

Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.

Correct the member name to remove the loop and rerun.


Unsupported object level <level> for <segment>

A segment is being processed that has encountered and unexpected level of nesting for the record structure.

Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.



<number> consecutive FREEDAYS encountered

A date was being calculated using relative FREEDAYS, and the calculation encountered more consecutive FREE days than is permitted. This could be indicative of a badly defined calendar that has no WORK days. The limit of consecutive FREE days allowed before this error occurs is set by OPTIONS FREEMAX. The default is 14 days.

Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.

Determine whether the run of consecutive FREE days is genuine, or the calendar is badly defined. Either increase OPTIONS FREEMAX or correct the calendar.


Nest limit of <number> set by OPTIONS LIMIT has been reached

A DO UNTIL/WHILE/FOREVER construct has executed more times than the limit set by OPTIONS LIMIT, the default of which is 100.

Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.

Determine the cause for the nesting level, if this is a desired behaviour then set OPTIONS LIMIT to a higher value.


Loop limit of <number> set by OPTIONS LIMIT has been reached

A DO UNTIL/WHILE/FOREVER construct has executed more times than the limit set by OPTIONS LIMIT, the default of which is 100.

Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.

Determine the cause for the nesting level, if this is a desired behaviour then set OPTIONS LIMIT to a higher value.


Job <jobname>,<JESnum> is not running in the current plan

A command is being run that requires the Workload Automation Programming Language job to be run from within HCL Workload Automation for Z so actions can be made in relation to the occurrence in which it is operating.

The command terminates with errors and processing continues from the next command.

Ensure the job is controlled by HCL Workload Automation for Z and rerun. If the job already was submitted by HCL Workload Automation for Z and Workload Automation Programming Language is unable to find itself in the current plan, this could be due to tracking performance issues. To avoid this kind of issue ensure the EQQCPOP DD statement is appropriately coded.


No actions performed

Workload Automation Programming Language has completed without performing any commands.

Workload Automation Programming Language terminates with return code 4.

If this is what you intended, then no action is required.

If you expected more commands to have been executed check the following:

  • That you have specified commands in the JCL or a referenced member.
  • That your input DD statement is correctly spelled as SYSIN, INPUT or whatever you specified in OPTIONS INPUT.
  • That you do not have any non JCL statements ahead of instream SYSIN as these may cause JES to generate an additional SYSIN statement.
  • If calling Workload Automation Programming Language from REXX that you have pushed or queued commands to the external data queue.


Workload Automation Programming Language complete - highest return code <rc> - <elapsed> (<eqqycom>) sec

Workload Automation Programming Language termination message, including the following key information:
The maximum return code, after considerations from SETMAX and LISTSTAT.
The total elapsed time of the Workload Automation Programming Language session.
The subset total elapsed time taken executing EQQYCOM.

Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
