Missing end quote for keyword <keyword>

A parsing error has occurred.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Correct quoting and rerun.


Missing right parenthesis for keyword (1)

A parsing error has occurred.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Correct parenthesis and rerun.


Invalid value <value> for <keyword>

A parsing error has occurred. An inappropriate value has been found for a keyword or field.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Consult the documentation, correct and rerun.
Note: The documentation may state that the value is valid for the keyword. Workload Automation Programming Language could still reject this if the value is not valid for the particular version of HCL Workload Automation for Z you are communicating with, or you have not enabled a particular SPE. Check message EQQI002I to see what version of HCL Workload Automation for Z Workload Automation Programming Language believes it is operating against.


Invalid keyword <keyword>

A parsing error has occurred. An inappropriate keyword has been coded.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Consult the documentation, correct and rerun.
Note: The documentation may state that keyword is valid. Workload Automation Programming Language could still reject this if the keyword is not valid for the particular version of HCL Workload Automation for Z you are communicating with, or you have not enabled a particular SPE. Check message EQQI002I to see what version of HCL Workload Automation for Z Workload Automation Programming Language believes it is operating against.


Resource <resource> is not valid for <command>

An invalid resource has been specified for a command.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Workload Automation Programming Language will validate that a valid resource has been used with respect to the type of request, the version of HCL Workload Automation for Z being used and what SPEs have been activated.

If the resource name is typed correctly, ensure that the HCL Workload Automation for Z Version and SPEs have been declared correctly, and rerun.

If the resource name is not correct, enter the correct resource name and rerun.


Exit <exit name> not found - OPTIONS EXIT reset

An exit has been specified using OPTIONS EXIT that is not declared in EQQYXU00.
Workload Automation Programming Language issues an error message and continues without the exit.
Correct the OPTIONS statement or update EQQYXU00 to include the new exit before rerunning.


<keyword> required for <command> command

An attempt has been made to use a command that has a required keyword missing. The keyword may be one that is always required by the command, or may only be required in conjunction with other keywords you have specified.
The command is not run.
Provide the missing keyword and rerun.


Invalid comparator <comparator> for keyword <keyword>

An invalid comparator has been specified against the named keyword.
The command will fail, Workload Automation Programming Language will stop processing further commands.
Correct the comparator. See section Using comparators.


Unrecognized/unsupported statement <command> in <input stream>

An invalid command has been coded in one of the Workload Automation Programming Language input streams. This may either be a command that is not known to Workload Automation Programming Language, or one that is not supported for the version of HCL Workload Automation for Z being used.

The input streams can be:

Site option defaults
Subsystem option defaults
The Workload Automation Programming Language argument
ILSON file specifications
The REXX stack
The main input stream (SYSIN)
Anything else will refer to either an INCLUDE stream or automatically generated commands from LIST or SELECT statements.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Correct and rerun.


Call to <load module> has abended RC(<rc>)

An attempt to call a load module internal to Workload Automation Programming Language has failed.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Determine the reason for the failure and rerun. Possible causes could be
  • Module not found (S806), ensure the library containing the module is defined to Workload Automation Programming Language by STEPLIB or other means.
  • Insufficient region.
  • Version mismatch. The HCL Workload Automation for Z module EQQYCOM can object to being run against versions of HCL Workload Automation for Z other that the version it is written for, Ensure you are calling the correct version of EQQYCOM for the subsystem you are communicating with.


<keyword> must be coded before <keyword>

A Workload Automation Programming Language command has been coded that requires certain keywords to be coded in a specific order.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Correct the command and rerun.


SPE (<spe name>) is not valid for TWS version <version> – ignored

An OPTIONS SPE statement was encountered that attempted to activate an SPE for a version of HCL Workload Automation for Z earlier than the version from which the SPE was made available.
The SPE is not activated.
Ensure you have declared the correct SPE and or version of HCL Workload Automation for Z.


<keyword1> is not allowed with <keyword2>

Two keywords have been encountered that cannot be specified together.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Correct and rerun.


NEW_ not permitted with DBMODE ADD or REPLACE

Batch loader has been specified with DBMODE ADD or REPLACE that specifies new key names using NEW_ fields. The ADD and REPLACE modes must specify an entire object as it is to be saved, it cannot rename or copy an existing object.
The command will fail, Workload Automation Programming Language will stop processing further commands.
Remove the NEW_ keywords or alter the DBMODE.


ADRULE must follow ADRUN TYPE R or E

An ADRULE statement has been encountered that does not follow and ADRUN segment for types R or E.
No update takes place.
Correct and rerun.


Keyword <keyword1> not permitted with <keyword2> for <command>

A command has been specified that uses two keywords that are mutually exclusive.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates
Correct and rerun.


<object name> and SUFFIX <suffix> exceeds field length <length>

The SUFFIX keyword has been used to generate a new name for an object by combining the original name with a TWS supplied variable. In this case the combination of the original name and the contents of the variable exceed the field length for the object name and OPTIONS SUFFIX(FAIL) has been used.
No update takes place.
Amend the input to use an alternate combination of name and variable or use a different value for OPTIONS SUFFIX.


Unexpected THEN or ELSE

A THEN keyword or ELSE statement has been encountered without being adjacent to an IF clause and its single action or DO block.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates
Correct and rerun.


Tracker not defined to Workload Automation Programming Language for <controller> on <SYSID> <LPAR>

A TSO command has been issued without a SUBSYS but the value pointed to by OPTIONS SYSID for this LPAR does not have match in the OPTIONS TRACKERS lookup table.
The command is not issued
Add a SUBSYS keyword to the command or correct the OPTIONS TRACKERS table to include an entry for the LPAR.


Use of MSTR is not recommended

A TSO command has been issued using MSTR as the SUBSYS value. This sends the event to every HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem on the LPAR, which can lead to error messages on EQQMLOG for controllers that have no match for the event, and may lead to inappropriate triggering of workload.
The command is issued with RC=4.
If possible use the OPTIONS SYSID and OPTIONS TRACKERS feature to target the event directly to the appropriate subsystem.



An attempt to call a segment processing exit has been made with inappropriate settings for FIELDSEP or LABELSEP. Either both of these separators have been set to the same value, or at least one of them has been turned off. Segment processing exits need them both set to different values to be able to process the data.
Processing continues, the exit is turned off and not attempted for subsequent segments.
Use OPTIONS FIELDSEP and OPTIONS LABELSEP to set different and valid values, or turn off the exit, using OPTIONS EXIT.


Open comment before text block on line <num> of <stream>

A comment has been encountered on a line with DLM coded that has been opened but not closed.
Processing terminates.
A line containing DLM indicates that the following lines contain a text block. Text blocks cannot contain comments. Remove or close the comment on the line containing the DLM keyword.


Potentially inconsistent line numbers detected

Message 207 or 212 has been issued indicating an unknown command or keyword. The invalid keyword has been detected as beginning with an 8 digit numeric field. This is most likely caused by line numbers having been turned on at some point in the past, and then turned off again, resulting in a situation where some lines in SYSIN have line numbers, and some do not. When this happens, Workload Automation Programming Language cannot determine whether these were genuine line numbers, or were intended as being part of the SYSIN itself.
Processing terminates.
Remove the lines from columns 73 to 80.


A date must precede description for tagging

Automatic date tagging is in effect (see OPTIONS TAGMODE) and a description keyword has been encountered before the corresponding keyword containing the date has been encountered in the batch loader statements.
Processing terminates.
Amend the sequence of the batch loader statements to place the keyword containing the date before the description keyword.


Incomplete DO/IF <stream> <line>

A logical DO or IF structure is not structured correctly.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Correct and rerun.


Unexpected or unmatched END <stream> <line>

An END statement has been encountered without a matching DO statement.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Correct and rerun.


Evaluation Error - <explanation>

A REXX based expression has failed to evaluate correctly.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Correct and rerun.


SUBROUTINE name <name> already used

A duplicate subroutine has been defined.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Correct and rerun.


<command> not permitted in environment <environment>

You are running Workload Automation Programming Language in a non-batch or non-TSO environment such as AF/OPERATOR or NETVIEW. The requirements of the command you are executing is not compatible with this environment.
Workload Automation Programming Language terminates.
Correct and rerun, or execute in an alternate environment such as triggering a started task from the environment you are using.


User field <name> not found for operation <opnum> <jobname>

The ALTIF command is being run and has not found a DO user field to match the IF user field found against a particular operation.
The command ends RC=8, and continues with the next command.
Add corresponding DO user field or remove the IF user field.