EQQI500 - EQQI599, Function based messages


Job <jobname>,<JESnum> not scheduled by <ADID(ad)|GROUPDEF(<grp>)>

The ADD command is being used to repeat an Application or Group, but the job running the command is not included in the named application.

Processing terminates.

When running in REPEAT mode the ADD command does not need the ADID or GROUPDEF keywords specifying. If this job is supposed to be repeating the occurrence it is running within, remove the ADID or GROUPDEF keywords and rerun.


Repeat <ADID(ad)|GROUPDEF(grp)> from hhmm to hhmm

The ADD command is being used to repeat an Application or Group. This message indicates the occurrences being repeated and the FROM and UNTIL limits.
Processing continues.


Current IA <yymmddhhmm> outside of FROM/UNTIL range

The ADD command is being used to repeat an Application or Group, but the instance running has an IA outside of the FROM/UNTIL limits. This will have been added outside the limits by a process other than the ADD command in REPEAT mode.
Processing continues but no further occurrences are scheduled.


Next IA <yymmddhhmm> outside of FROM/UNTIL range

The ADD command is being used to repeat an Application or Group. It has calculated that the next instance will be outside of the FROM/UNTIL limits.
Processing continues but no further occurrences are scheduled.


<yymmddhhmm> overlaps with existing <yymmddhhmm>

The ADD command is being used to repeat an Application or Group. The IA for the next calculated occurrence overlaps with the IA of another occurrence of the same application that has been added by other means.
Processing continues but no further occurrences are scheduled.
Investigate the additional occurrence and act accordingly.


No Application|Group <adid> found active on <yymmdd>

The ADD command is being used to submit an Application or Group, but no instance of the requested Application or Group could be found valid on the date specified.
Processing terminates.
Correct the application name or group and rerun.


The IA of the next occurrence will be <yymmddhhmm>

The ADD command is being used to add an Application or Group. This message shows the Input Arrival that will be used for submission.
Processing continues.


No new occurrence will be added

The ADD command is being used to repeat an Application or Group. It has determined that no further occurrences will be added. There will be an accompanying message 502, 503, 504, or 510 to explain why.
Processing continues but no further occurrences are scheduled.


This is instance <x> of <y>

The ADD command is being used to repeat an Application or Group. The COUNT keyword is being used, this message indicates how many instances have run so far and what the upper limit is.
Processing continues.


Count limit of <y> has been reached

The ADD command is being used to repeat an Application or Group. The COUNT keyword is being used and the upper limit has been reached.
Processing continues but no further occurrences are scheduled.


Command executed before IA of <yymmddhhmm>

The ADD command is being used to repeat an Application or Group. It has detected that the ORIGIN time is earlier than the Input Arrival of the controlling occurrence.
Processing terminates.
Investigate the reason for the early execution. If deliberately released early, the job can be restarted with the keyword EARLY(CONTINUE) coded to resume the repeat cycle at the next interval.

If the job ran early because the repeating occurrence has no time dependency, correct the application definition in the database before restarting the job.


IA adjusted from <yymmddhhmm> to <yymmddhhmm>

The ADD command is being used to submit an Application or Group. Input arrival was specified, but an occurrence already existed, and FINDIA was specified as Y. This lists the originally specified IA and what IA was used instead.
Processing continues.