ADSTART – Application common details

Use the ADSTART statement to define the common part of an Application Description.

Table 1. ADSTART keywords
Keyword Description
ADID Specifies the application name.
OWNER Specifies the owner of the application, up to 16 characters.
STATUS Specifies the status of the application:
Note: This keyword is enabled by SPE(PEND) for HCL Workload Automation for Z V8.2 when SYNTAX(LEGACY) is in use.

Formerly ADSTAT with EQQYLTOP.

VALFROM Specifies the start date of the validity period of the AD. Only the start date can be specified. The end of the validity period is set so that the time up to 31 December 2071 is covered, taking existing application descriptions into account.

HCL Workload Automation for Zinterprets yy as follows:

YY      Year 
72 - 99 1972 - 1999 
00 - 71 2000 – 2071

For DBMODE(ADD), the VALFROM keyword sets the valid from date of the application. For all other DBMODE values, VALFROM identifies the application to UPDATE or COPY. The nearest match with the same value or earlier will be selected. To set a new valid from date for an existing application, use NEW_VALFROM.


GROUPDEF Specifies the name of the group definition used by this application to generate run cycle information.

This keyword is valid only for an ADTYPE of A and should not be specified with CALENDAR.


TYPE Specifies the type of object:
Application definition
Group definition

Formerly ADTYPE with EQQYLTOP.

CALENDAR Specifies the name of the calendar to be used when run days are calculated for this application or group definition. Do not specify this keyword for applications that are members of a group.
DESCR Specifies the description of the Application, up to 24 characters.
DLIMFDBK The deadline limit for feedback. This keyword determines if the estimated deadline in the application description run cycle or operation is updated when an occurrence of the application reaches the complete status. The DLIMFDBK keyword value you set in this keyword is used only if no value is set in the application description.

Feedback values are in the range 100 through 999, or 0 if the deadline must be always updated, regardless of the estimated and actual values.

The feedback limits for ADL are calculated as follows:

Lower limit = ODL * 100/DLF

Upper limit = ODL * DLF/100

The actual deadline, considered as the elapsed minutes between the IA and the completion time of the occurrence or operation.
The old deadline estimated for the run cycle or operation (considered as offset in minutes from the IA) currently stored in the application description database.
The deadline limit for feedback.

When the deadline feedback limit is set to 100, no new estimated deadline is stored in the application description database. If the actual deadline lies within the feedback limits, a smoothing factor is applied before the application description is updated.

If the deadline feedback limit is set to 0, the application description database is always updated, unless:
  • The same limit is also specified in the application.
  • The smoothing factor does not allow the change.

If the completion time occurs before the IA time, the deadline is not updated and a missed feedback record is generated.

When the occurrence is generated, an identifier of the run cycle that generates the occurrence is stored in the occurrence record. This identifier is used to determine which run cycle must be updated. If the application description or the occurrence input arrival was modified, the run cycle might no longer be matchable. In this case, the deadline is not updated and a missed feedback record is generated.

DSMOOTHING The smoothing factor. It determines how much the actual deadline influences the new deadline estimated for a run cycle or operation in the application description database. The smoothing factor is applied only if the actual deadline lies within the deadline feedback limits. The DSMOOTHING keyword value is used only if you did not set a smoothing factor in the application description.

The smoothing factor is in the range 0 through 999. The value 0 means that the deadline is not updated, the value 100 means that the actual deadline replaces the existing estimated deadline.

The new deadline is calculated as follows:

NDL = ODL + ((ADL - ODL) * DSF/100)

The new deadline estimated for the run cycle or operation (considered as offset in minutes from the IA) to be stored in the application description database.
The old deadline estimated for the run cycle or operation (considered as offset in minutes from the IA) currently stored in the application description database.
The actual deadline, considered as the elapsed minutes between the IA and the completion time of the occurrence or operation.
The smoothing factor.
AUTHGRP Specifies the name of the application authority group to be used for additional authority checking, up to 8 characters.

Formerly GROUP with EQQYLTOP.

ODESCR Description of the application owner, up to 24 characters.
PRIORITY The scheduling priority of the application. Must be a single digit in the range 1-9. This keyword is valid only for an ADTYPE of A.
When using ACTION(SUBMIT), the following additional keywords are available:
Table 2. Additional ADSTART keywords when using ACTION(SUBMIT)
Keyword Description
IA Input Arrival in the format YYMMDDHHMM.
DEADLINE Deadline in the format YYMMDDHHMM.
JCLVTAB Name of a JCL Variable Table to attach to this occurrence.
SUFFIX Allows an HCL Workload Automation for Z variable to be appended to the Application Name. For more details, see Suffixing.
Note: If you useSUFFIX unique occurrences could be created in the plan; but if another application with the same name exists, this is never run and the JCL for these occurrences remains in the JS file indefinitely. Consider using the HCL Workload Automation for Z sample EQQPIFJX to maintain the JCL repository