ADCIV – External conditional dependency interval

Use the ADCIV statement to define the absolute or relative interval specified with the A or R value in the ADCNS PRECSEL parameter.

You can set only one ADCIV per ADCNS, but the same ADCIV can be used by more ADCNS statements if they refer to the same external predecessor application and operation. The statement must be nested within the ADCNS to which it refers.

Note: The ADCIV statement is available only starting from HCL Workload Automation for Z V9.1, or later.
Table 1. Keywords for ADCIV
Keyword Description
ADID The application name of the conditional external predecessor to which the interval applies.
CONDID The condition ID of the conditional external predecessor to which the

interval applies.

FROMDAYS The start of the absolute interval in days. The allowed range is 0-7.
FROMHH The start of the absolute interval in the HH format. The allowed range is 00-24. Goes together with FROMMM. For example, if the absolute interval starts at 10:30 of the day before the input arrival time of the successor, it is defined by FROMHH(10) FROMMM(30) FROMDAYS(1) FROMWHEN(B) .
FROMHHH The start of the relative interval in hours. The format is HHH and the allowed range is 0-167. To be specified together with FROMMM.
FROMMM The minutes fraction of the start of the relative or absolute interval.
FROMWHEN Specifies if the start of the relative or absolute interval is before (B) or after (A) the input arrival time of the successor.

For relative intervals only, you can choose to make the interval start at an indefinite time in the plan (in this case the mechanism used is similar to that of the closest preceding predecessor). To do this, do not specify this parameter, nor any of the other FROM... ones.

OPNO The operation number of the conditional external predecessor to which the interval applies.
TODAYS The end of the absolute interval in days. The allowed range is 0-7.
TOHH The end of the absolute interval in the HH format. The allowed range is 00-24. To be specified together with TOMM. For example, if the absolute interval ends at 12:30 two days after the input arrival time of the successor, it is defined by TOHH(12) TOMM(30) TODAYS(2) TOWHEN(A)
TOHHH The end of the relative interval in hours. The format is HHH and the allowed range is 0-167. To be specified together with TOMM.
TOMM The minutes fraction of the end of the relative or absolute interval.
TOWHEN Specifies if the end of the relative or absolute interval is before (B) or after (A) the input arrival time of the successor.
TYPE The interval type:
Absolute interval. Must be defined by the following parameters:



Relative interval. Must be defined by the following parameters: