ADOP - Operation

Use the ADOP statement to define an operation.

Table 1. Keywords for ADOP
Keyword Description
ADOPDLACT Specifies the action to be taken if the operation is still not completed when the deadline day and time are reached. Blank means no action. If you specify an action, an alert message is always issued. Allowed values are:
Only an alert message is issued.
The operation is set to Complete, if its status allows it. Otherwise it is NOPed.
The operation is set to Error with ODEA, if its status allows it. Otherwise, this setting is postponed at the time when the status allows it.
The operation and all its internal successors are NOPed, if their status allows NOPing. Otherwise, it is ignored.
AUTOPRED Defines an automatic predecessor for operations following this one that do not have an explicit dependency set:
Make dependencies to the default first operation.
Make dependencies to the default last operation.
To make the operation automatically dependent on the one preceding it in the batch loader statements.
Identifies the operation number to which the dependency can be made.
Ends the most recent setting of AUTOPRED and returns to any previous value, if set within the application.

A second argument of ALL (for example, AUTOPRED(FIRST,ALL)) causes automatic dependencies to be made for all following operations, including ones with explicit dependencies.

AUTOSUCC Defines an automatic successor for operations following this one that do not have an explicit dependency set:
Make dependencies to the default first operation.
Make dependencies to the default last operation.
Identifies the operation number to which the dependency can be made.
Ends the most recent setting of AUTOPRED and returns to any previous value, if set within the application.

A second argument of ALL (for example, AUTOPRED(FIRST,ALL)) causes automatic dependencies to be made for all following operations, including ones with explicit dependencies.

  1. The ADOP statement for the operation named by AUTOSUCC must be included in the Batch Loader statements after any operations that you want it to be made an automatic successor to.
PREOPNO The operation number of an internal predecessor operation to this operation.
PREJOBN The job name of an internal predecessor operation to this operation.
PREWSID The workstation name of an internal predecessor operation to this operation.
OPNO The operation number for this operation, in the range 1 to 255. Each operation within an application must have a unique number.
WSID Specified the workstation on which the operation will run.
DURATION The estimated duration of this operation in minutes or seconds according to the DURUNIT value in OPTIONS. It must be an integer greater than 0. The maximum value is 99 hours 59 minutes 00 seconds. If you specify 99 hours 59 minutes 01 seconds, you do not receive an alert message if the actual duration is greater than the planned duration.
CLEANUP The cleanup type for this operation:
Automatic. When the operation is ready to be submitted and the controller selects it for submissions, the controller automatically finds the cleanup actions to be taken and also inserts them as the first step in the JCL of the restarted job. Whenever the operation is started from the panels, the cleanup actions are shown to the user for confirmation, only if the AUTOMATIC CHECK OPC panel option is set to YES.
Immediate. data set cleanup is immediately performed if the operation ends in error. The operation is treated as if it had the automatic option when it is rerun.
Manual. data set cleanup actions are deferred for the operation. They are performed when initiated manually from the panel.
None. No data set cleanup actions are performed.


EXPJCL Specifies if the scheduler uses the JCL extracted from the JES JCL sysout:
Uses the fully expanded JCL.
Uses the JCL contained in the libraries of the scheduler.


CRITICAL Specifies if the operation is to be considered critical:
The operation is considered eligible for WLM assistance, if late.
The operation is considered the target job of a critical path and eligible, with all the operations belonging to that critical path, for WLM assistance.
The operation is not to be considered critical. This is the default. For W and P, the scheduler automatically sends a request to WLM to promote the job or started task to the specified WLM service class, whenever the conditions of the specified assistance policy are met.


MH Specifies how to set the value for the MH (Manually Hold) option of the operation when the operation is added to the AD database:
Default. The MH option for the operation is set to N.
The MH option for the operation is set to Y.
NOP Specifies how to set the value for the NOP option of the operation when the operation is added to the AD database:
Default. The NOP option for the operation is set to N.
The NOP option for the operation is set to Y.
POLICY Specifies which policy is to be applied for WLM assistance, if the job is defined as critical:
Default. WLM uses the policy specified in OPCOPTS. If no WLM policy is specified and the operation belongs to a critical path, the policy of the critical path target job is applied.
Long duration. The job is assisted if it runs beyond its estimated duration time.
Deadline. The job is assisted if it has not finished when its deadline time is reached.
Latest start time. The job is assisted if it is submitted after the latest start time.
Conditional. An algorithm calculates whether to apply the Deadline or the Latest start time policy.


USRSYS Specifies if user sysout support is needed. If you specify Y, the data store logs user sysout.


WLMCLASS The name of the WLM service class to which late critical jobs are promoted. It can be an existing service class or a new service class created for this purpose. If you do not set this keyword and the operation belongs to a critical path, the WLM service class of the critical path target job is used.


WTO If you specify Y, a WTO message is issued if the operation passes its deadline and is in started status.


AEC For operations on automatic reporting workstations, HCL Workload Automation for Z does some processing when a job completes to determine whether the operation should be given error status or completed status. If you specify AEC(N), HCL Workload Automation for Z does not check for errors and assigns to the operation the Completed status, regardless of any error reported by job tracking.
AJR Jobs can be placed in HOLD status on the job queue by the event writer (an event writer option). Such jobs can either be released when all HCL Workload Automation for Z scheduling conditions are met, or be released immediately. AJR(Y) means that HCL Workload Automation for Z should control the scheduling. AJR(N) means that HCL Workload Automation for Z releases the job immediately. The automatic job release option is applicable only when the HOLDJOB keyword of the EWTROPTS is set to USER or YES.
AJSUB Automatic job submission.
CLATE Specify Y to cancel this operation if it is time-dependent and late.
Note: HCL Workload Automation for Z never cancels a job that has already started running.
CSCRIPT Use this keyword to set the centralized script flag (Y or N).
DESCR A free-format description of the operation. It can be up to 24 characters.
DLDAY Specifies the number of days, relative to the start of the application, when this operation must be completed. This must be an integer. 0 means that the deadline is on the same day as the occurrence input arrival.
DLTIME Required if you have specified DLDAY. DLTIME specifies the time, on the day specified by the DLDAY keyword, by which this operation should be completed. This must be in the format hhmm.
FORM If this operation is a printing operation, the printer form number that will appear on the daily plan and on ready lists. For printer workstations with automatic reporting, the printer class and form number let HCL Workload Automation for Z identify the different print operations belonging to a specific job. This can be up to 8 characters.

Note: Operations not on Print workstations do not use this field, but it can still be set and read.

HIGHRC If this operation is a z/OS job, the highest return code that should not be considered an error. If the job ends with this return code or less, the operation will be treated by HCL Workload Automation for Z as completed. This must be an integer less than 4096. If you leave out the parameter, HCL Workload Automation for Z takes the value you specified in the JTOPTS statement.
JOBCLASS A single character that appears on workstation ready lists for information only. This must be the z/OS job class from the JCL.
JOBN The job name for this operation, if applicable.
LIMFDBK The default is the value you set in the job-tracking initialization statement JTOPTS. The feedback limit must be an integer in the range 100-999.
MONITOR If you specify Y, the operation is monitored by an external monitor, for example by Tivoli Business Systems Manager.
PRTCLASS If this operation is a printing operation, the printer SYSOUT class that appears on the daily plan and on ready lists. For printer workstations with automatic reporting, the printer class and form number let HCL Workload Automation for Z identify the different print operations belonging to a specific job. This is a single character, and must be specified for print operations.
PSNUM The number of workstation parallel servers required by this operation. This must be an integer.
R1NUM The amount of workstation type 1 resources required by this operation. This must be an integer.
R2NUM The amount of workstation type 2 resources required by this operation. This must be an integer.
REROUTABLE This keyword specifies the reroute option for the operation. The default is that the operation is reroutable if the WSFAILURE initialization statement RESTART keyword is set to REROUTE.
The operation is always reroutable.
The operation is never reroutable.
RESTARTABLE This keyword specifies the restart option for the operation. The default is that the operation is restartable if the WSFAILURE initialization statement RESTART keyword is set to RESTART.
The operation is always restartable.
The operation is never restartable.
SMOOTHING The default is the value you set in the job-tracking initialization statement JTOPTS. The smoothing factor must be an integer in the range 0-999.
STARTDAY Specifies the input arrival day of this operation, as a number of days offset from the occurrence input arrival day (0 means the same day). This must be an integer. Specifying a separate input arrival day and time for an operation can be useful if the operation is time-dependent and you want to ensure that it will not start before the specified time.
STARTTIME Required if you have specified STARTDAY. It specifies the input arrival time of this operation, on the day specified with the STARTDAY keyword. This must be in the format hhmm. If you specify STARTTIME but not STARTDAY, STARTDAY defaults to 0 (zero), which is the occurrence input arrival day.
TIME If you specify Y, the job is made time-dependent.
USESAI Determines whether the system automation information for the operation is used in the current plan. This keyword must be set to Y if the workstation has the system AUTOMATION option set to Y.
USEXTNAME Determines whether or not the operation extended name is used in the current plan.
USEXTSE Determines if the Scheduling Environment name of the operation is used in the current plan:
Scheduling Environment name specified and stored in CP by the DP or dynamic addition process.
Scheduling Environment name not specified or specified in AD and not stored in CP by the DP or dynamic addition process.