ADDEP - Dependency

Use the ADDEP statement to define a predecessor for an operation.

Table 1. Keywords for ADDEP
Keyword Description
PREADID If the predecessor operation is in a different application from the one being built, or is in a different occurrence of the same application, you must identify the application ID with the PREADID keyword.
PRECSEL Specifies on which basis a matching predecessor is selected:
Closest preceding. The matching predecessor is the one with the nearest preceding input arrival time. This is the default.
Same scheduled date. The matching predecessor is the one with the nearest input arrival time within the same day of the operation (occurrence) under consideration. A matching predecessor is first searched before the IA time of the operation. Then, if not found, it is searched after the IA time of the operation.
Within an absolute interval. The matching predecessor is the one with the closest input arrival time in the specified interval. The interval boundaries are specified by a time and a number of days before or after the IA time of the operation (occurrence). The interval can be timed entirely before, entirely after, or across the IA time of the operation (occurrence).

If you select this option, the ADXIV statement must follow ADDEP with the specification of the interval boundaries.

Within a relative interval. The matching predecessor is the one with the closest input arrival time in the specified interval. The interval boundaries are calculated using an offset expressed in hours and minutes before or after the IA time of the operation (occurrence). The interval can be timed entirely before, entirely after, or across the IA time of the operation (occurrence).

If you select this option, the ADXIV statement must follow ADDEP with the specification of the interval boundaries.

Note: The PRECSEL keyword is available only starting from HCL Workload Automation for Z V9.1, or later.
PREMAND Specifies if it is mandatory that the dependency be resolved before the operation can start:
The dependency is not mandatory. This means that, if the predecessor is not found, the dependency is considered resolved unless failure is required (within the dynamic addition of a dependency in the Modify Current Plan panel). This is the default value.
The dependency is mandatory at ad hoc add level. The predecessor is required, but might not be in the plan at the time the occurrence that includes the successor is added and might be made available later via ETT, PIF, or manual intervention.

This means that if the predecessor is not found when an occurrence is added to the current plan, a pending mandatory predecessor entry is created and the occurrence is added in the waiting status. The pending mandatory predecessor entry is created also when LTP and DP batch start running and the predecessor is not found.

The dependency is mandatory at plan level. The predecessor is expected to exist at the time the occurrence that includes the successor is dynamically added into the current plan (via the MCP panel). If it does not, the addition of the occurrence fails. Also LTP and DP batch will fail if the predecessor is not found when they run.
Note: The PREMAND keyword is available only starting from HCL Workload Automation for Z V9.1, or later.
PREOPNO The operation number of a predecessor operation to this operation.
PREWSID The four-character workstation name of a predecessor operation to this operation.
PREJOBN The job name of a predecessor operation to this operation.
TRANSPT When HCL Workload Automation for Z creates the plan, it allows these minutes between the completion of the predecessor and the start of the successor operation that is being defined. You must specify an integer. The default is the time specified for the workstation.
DESCR A free-format description of the dependency. It can be up to 50 characters.

HCL Workload Automation for Z holds descriptions only for external dependencies. This field cannot be used to hold a description for an internal dependency.

PRINT Specifies the Long Term Plan print option: