ADSR – Special Resource reference

Use the ADSR statement to define a special resource requirement for an operation.

Table 1. Keywords for ADSR
Keyword Description
RESOURCE The name of the resource required by this operation. You can specify up to 44 characters.
USAGE Defines whether the resource should be allocated as shared (S) or exclusive (X).
KEEPONERR Defines whether the resource should be kept if the operation ends in error. If you do not specify this keyword, the default action is taken from the resource definition or RESOPTS statement.
QUANTITY The number of this resource that the operation needs, in the range 1 to 999999. If you do not specify this keyword, the operation takes all the resource exclusively, if USAGE is X, or prevents the exclusive use of any of this resource by any other operation, if USAGE is S.
ONCOMPLETE Defines the value to which the global availability of the resource is reset at operation completion. If you do not specify this keyword, the default action is taken from the resource definition or RESOPTS statement.