Step 3. Define a shadow job on the remote engine workstation

Create a shadow job pointing to a specific job instance defined on a remote engine when you want to track in your local environment the status of that remote job and define cross dependencies on that remote job.

The closest preceding matching criteria is used to map the shadow job to a job instance in the remote engine plan.

The input arrival (IA) of the shadow job is used to find the matching with the job instance to bind in the remote engine plan.

The shadow job status transition is derived from the remote job instance status transition.

You can create a shadow job from the OPERATIONS panel, as shown in EQQAMOPL - Operations . Choose a remote engine workstation as the workstation for the operation, and select option 13 (REMOTE JOB INFO) in the OPERATION DETAILS panel to specify the information to identify the job instance in the remote engine plan.

To create a shadow job from the Dynamic Workload Console navigation toolbar, click Administration > Workload Definitions > Manage Workload Definitions. Then after specifying an engine name, in the Workload Designer window, you can create and edit any type of job, including shadow jobs.

On HCL Workload Automation distributed environments, you can use alias for job stream names and job names. If you are defining in your HCL Workload Automation for Z environment a distributed shadow job, make sure that:
  • The remote job stream name specified, contains the job stream name as it is defined in the database.
  • The remote job name specified, contains the alias, if defined, of the remote job to bind.
If you do not follow these guidelines, the bind fails and the status of the shadow job becomes ERROR.

For more details about the settings that define a shadow job, see Specifying remote job information in shadow jobs.