Sorting list output

In all list displays, you can enter the SORT command at the command prompt to display a panel where you can specify the order of the list items. If you are using the advanced panels (see Panels Style), from the Operations in the current plan panel you can do either of the following actions:

  • Click Action > Sort
  • On the command line, enter SORT column identifier; A|D

    where column identifer is the name of the column on which you want to sort your list in ascending or descending order.

The sort order you request remains in effect for that specific list type until changed.

For example, if you request a list of occurrences in the current plan and then enter SORT when the list is presented, the following panel is displayed:

Figure 1. EQQXSRTL - Sorting a list
EQQXSRTL ---------------------- SORTING A LIST  -----------  ROW 1 TO 14 OF 49
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR

Enter/change data in rows
or enter DELETE in the command field to delete the active sort:
Sort order = 1-9, where 1 is the first sort field.
Direction  = A for ascending (default) or D for descending.

Sort  Direction
order Asc/Desc    Title of field       Description of field
  _      _        op.                  Operation no. first critical op.
  _      _        time                 Actual input arrival time of occ.
  _      _        time                 Actual completion time of the occ.
  _      _        time                 Actual start time of first critial op.
  _      _        time                 Latest start time first critical op.
  _      _        time                 Deadline time of first critical op.
  _      _        time                 Input arrival time of first critical op
  _      _        time                 Planned start time of first critical op
  _      _        time                 Deadline time of the occurrence
  _      _        Adding function      What added occurrence to current plan
  _      _        Application          Application ID
  _      _        Application text     Verbal description of the application
  _      _        Arrived              Actual input arrival date of occ.
  _      _        Authgrp              Authority group

DBCS identifiers in sorted lists appear in binary order.