Other ways of editing a job

About this task

There are several ways to do job setup using the panels:
  • Select the JOB SETUP option from the COMMUNICATING WITH WORK STATIONS panel. You see a selection list that presents a list of operations eligible for setup. Enter J next to one of the operations. This puts you into ISPF edit on the job for that operation. Change the job and press PF3. The changed job is stored in the JCL repository, and the operation is automatically set to C status (complete).
    Note: You can change any job from the JOB SETUP option, even if the operation does not have a job setup operation associated with it. The changed job is stored in the JCL repository as usual. Because there is no setup operation associated with this activity that can be marked as complete, this editing procedure has no effect on the schedule in HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  • Use the MCP panel to edit the job for any operation in the current plan. See Modifying operations.
  • Set up the job for an individual occurrence in the LONG TERM PLAN panel. The edited job for the future occurrence is stored in the JCL repository.