Modifying operations

The most direct way to modify an operation is to select option 3 (OPERATIONS) from the MODIFYING THE CURRENT PLAN panel (fast path 5.3) to open the Selecting operations panel. After specifying the criteria for selecting the operation, the MODIFYING OPERATIONS IN THE CURRENT PLAN panel opens, as shown in EQQMOPRL - Modifying operations in the current plan (left part).

Figure 1. EQQMOPRL - Modifying operations in the current plan (left part)
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

Enter the GRAPH command above to view list graphically or
enter any of the following row commands:
J   - Edit JCL                      M   - Modify       B   - Browse details
DEL - Delete Occurrence             MH  - Man. HOLD    MR  - Man. RELEASE oper
O   - Browse operator instructions  NP  - NOP oper     UN  - UN-NOP oper
EX  - EXECUTE operation             D   - Delete Oper  RG  - Remove from group
L   - Browse joblog                 K   - Kill         RI  - Recovery Info
LJ   - Browse joblog via ITOM       FJR - Fast path JR  
RC  - Restart and CleanUp           FSR - Fast path SR
TCJ - Target Critical Job           FSC - Fast Path SC
BND - Reset bind information        

Row Application id   Operat   Jobname  	Input Arrival     Dep    Cond Dep  S
cmd                  ws   no.           Date     Time  Suc  Pre  Suc  Pre   
'''  CP              CPU1  050 XRAYNERC 06/04/28 12.00    0  0      0    0 S
'''  MAWS            CPU1  010 MAWS     06/04/27 16.28    0  0      0    0 A
'''  PAYBACKP        CPU1  015 PAYBACKP 06/04/28 12.00    1  1      0    0 W
'''  PAYBACKP        WTO1  030 PAYBACKP 06/04/28 12.00    0  1      0    0 W
'''  PAYDAILY        WTO1  005 PAYDAILY 06/04/28 12.00    1  0      0    0 C
'''  PAYDAILY        SETP  010 PAYDAILY 06/04/28 12.00    1  1      0    0 C
'''  PAYDAILY        CPU1  020 PAYDAILY 06/04/26 12.00    0  0      0    0 C
'''  PAYDAILY        CPU1  020 PAYDAILY 06/04/27 12.00    1  0      0    0 C
'''  PAYDAILY        CPU1  020 PAYDAILY 06/04/28 12.00    1  1      0    0 E
'''  PAYW            CPU1  030 PAYWSLIP 06/04/27 12.00    1  1      0    0 C
'''  PAYW            PAY1  095 PAYWSLIP 06/04/27 12.00    0  1      0    0 R
******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************
This panel lists the operations in the current plan that fulfill the list criteria you specified. Using row commands, you can perform the full range of MCP services on these operations.
Note: If you are using the advanced panels, you can perform these modification tasks from the:
To display job options and expected duration time, scroll the list to the right:
Figure 2. EQQMOPRR - Modifying operations in the current plan (right part)
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

Enter the GRAPH command above to view list graphically or
enter any of the following row commands:
J   - Edit JCL                      M   - Modify        B   - Browse details
DEL - Delete Occurrence             MH  - Man. HOLD     MR  - Man. RELEASE oper
O   - Browse operator instructions  NP  - NOP oper      UN  - UN-NOP oper
EX  - EXECUTE operation             D   - Delete Oper   RG  - Remove from group
L   - Browse joblog                 K   - Kill          RI  - Recovery Info
RC  - Restart and CleanUp           FJR - Fast path JR  LJ  - Browse joblog via ITOM
TCJ - Target Critical Job           FSR - Fast path SR
BND - Reset bind information        FSC - Fast Path SC

Row Application id   Operat   Op Op Duration
cmd                  ws   no. ST HN HH.MM.SS
'''  CP              CPU1 050 YY NN 00.03.00
'''  MAWS            CPU1 010 YN NN 00.01.00
'''  PAYBACKP        CPU1 015 YN NN 00.05.00
'''  PAYBACKP        WTO1 030 YN NN 00.01.00
'''  PAYDAILY        WTO1 005 YY NN 00.01.00
'''  PAYDAILY        SETP 010 YN NN 00.03.00
'''  PAYDAILY        CPU1 020 YN NN 00.05.00
'''  PAYDAILY        CPU1 020 YN NN 00.05.00
'''  PAYDAILY        CPU1 020 YN NN 00.05.00
'''  PAYW            CPU1 030 YN NN 00.05.00
'''  PAYW            PAY1 095 YN NN 00.01.00
******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

Select an operation that belongs to a critical path and enter the row command to browse information about the target critical job for the selected operation.

Note: If you are using the advanced panels, see Browsing operation information for information on how to browse operations.