Using the ready list

Select option 1 on the COMMUNICATING WITH WORKSTATIONS panel (EQQRTOPP - Communicating with workstations) to see the ready list. EQQRLRLM - Ready list shows a typical ready list for a computer workstation.

Figure 1. EQQRLRLM - Ready list
 EQQRLRLM ------------------------ READY LIST ----------------  ROW 1 TO 8 OF 8
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

 Enter any of the following row commands:
 N - Set next logical status, N-x - Set specific status( x ),
 R - Reset status, O - Operator Instructions, I - Information about operation,
 MH Manual hold operation, MR Manual release operation, NP Nop operation,
 UN Un-nop operation, EX Execute operation, BND Reset bind information.

 WORK STATION       ===> CPU1        Change to switch work station
 LAYOUT ID          ===> C1______    Change to switch layout id

 Cmd St no. Jobname  Operation text           Job id   Application      Oi Errc
 '' E    7 TESTABND This should REALLY fail  JOB00024  TESTJOBS         N S0C4
 '' E    5 TESTJCL  This is supposed to fail JOB00222  TESTJOBS         N JCL
 '' EM   9 TESTMANE I manually made this E             TESTJOBS         N MAWS
 '' SQ  11 HELDJOB  I put a TYPRUN=HOLD on   JOB00768  TESTJOBS         N
 '' S   13 RUNJOB   Just been submitted                TESTJOBS         N
 '' RX  10 PAYEMDMP PAYROLL employee dump              PAYEMDMP         Y
 '' RH  15 TESTHELD I manually HELD this one           TESTJOBS         N
 '' AT   3 TESTTIME Waiting for midnight               TESTJOBS         N

Enter the SORT command to display the list-field headings and their meanings. The ready list by default sorts the operations by job name within status. However, you can change the sort fields presented on the ready list. See Status, error, and reason codes for a complete list of status codes and extended status codes. If you sort operations by the actual start times, the jobs that have been running the longest will appear at the top of your display.

You cannot override sort criteria that you have specified on a filter panel with the SORT command.