JCL used for restart

The Expanded JCL option applies with the Step Restart and Job Restart functions. The option is related to the CP operation record (built from the AD application definition value) and the default is N. You are allowed to change it using MCP (Modifying the Restart and Cleanup options in the CP). The values allowed for this option are N (No) and Y (Yes). If you select N, you are establishing that the JCL that will be submitted through SR or JR is the normal JCL taken from the JS VSAM files. If you select Y, you are establishing that the JCL is expanded JCL.
  • Normal JCL

    Is the normal JCL found in the JS VSAM file or in the customer libraries. It can also be edited using the J row command.

  • Expanded JCL

    Is the JCL extracted from the JOBLOG of the last run and is built from the data store. When the data store builds the expanded JCL, the EXEC statements that call for procedures are commented out and the called procedures are inserted in their expanded form. The result is a linear JCL without procedure calls.