The default variable table

This topic describes the default variable table and how it works.

The default variable table is the table that contains all the variables that you defined without specifying any variable table name. The default name of the default variable table is MAIN_TABLE. You can modify this name at any time or set another variable table as the default variable table. You cannot delete the default variable table. When you set another variable table as the default, the original default variable table is no longer marked as default. You can work with the default variable table in the same way as any other variable table. You can easily identify the default variable table on the user interface because it is marked with a Y in the default field.

This example shows a list of variable tables
Variable Table Name                       Default  Updated On  Locked By
----------------------------------------  -------  ----------  ----------------
MAIN_TABLE                                 Y       05/07/2021  -
VT_1                                   	      05/07/2021  -
VT_2                                   	      05/07/2021  -
VARTABLE3                                   	 05/07/2021  -
V4                                   		  05/07/2021  -
VT5                                   	       05/07/2021  -

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