Scenario: Creating a job definition and submitting to a dynamic pool

In this scenario, you define the requirements for running the job when creating the dynamic pool, for example you can include in the dynamic pool all workstations with Windows operating system and DB2 installed and maximum CPU utilization at 50%. The dynamic pool is then populated with the workstations which match your requirements and is ready for the job to be submitted.

About this task

To create a dynamic pool and submit a job to it, perform the following steps:


  1. Log in to the Dynamic Workload Console.
  2. From the Design menu, select Workload Designer
  3. Select an engine and click Create new Workstation.
  4. Select Dynamic Pool from the list
  5. Complete the required fields.
  6. In the field Requirements specify what follows:
    • Select the operating system in the Operating System pane.
    • Select CPU utilization and the Maximum value percentage.
    • Select the required logical resource in the File Systems . To include workstations with DB2 installed, click Add and specify your requirement in the Requirements pane.
    • Optionally, select the required optimization policy.
  7. Click OK to save your requirements.
  8. Click Save to save the dynamic pool.
  9. Create a job and define general information about it:
    1. From the Design menu, click Workload Designer page, and then select the engine.
    2. In Explore area, click Create new + and select Job.
    3. Click the Executable job.
    4. In General Info, in Folder, select IT_operations.
    5. In General Info, in Name, type UPGRADE_JAVA_VERSION.
    6. In General Info, in Workstation, select BK_server.
    7. In General Info, in Description, type Java upgrade to version 11.
    8. In Task, in Command text or script name, type apt install --only-upgrade openjdk-11-jre-headless -y.
  10. Specify an engine name, either distributed or z/OS
    The Workload Designer opens. Job types and characteristics vary depending on whether you select a distributed or z/OS engine.
  11. Select Create New > Job Definition > Database and Integrations > Database.
  12. Complete the required fields and specify the dynamic pool you previously created in the Workstation field.
  13. Type your SQL instructions in the SQL tab.
  14. Click Save to save the job.
  15. From the navigation toolbar, click Planning > Workload Submission > Submit Predefined Jobs .