Logged events

About this task

Logged events lists the events logged by HCL Workload Automation.

Table 1. Logged events
Event Number EventName Description
mstReset 1 Reset Job reset
mstProcessReset 51 ProcessReset Process reset
mstProcessGone 52 ProcessGone Process gone
mstProcessAbend 53 ProcessAbend Process abended
mstXagentConnLost 54 XagentConnLost Connection to x-agent lost
mstJobAbend 101 JobAbend Job abended
mstJobFailed 102 JobFailed Job failed
mstJobLaunch 103 JobLaunch Job launched
mstJobDone 104 JobDone Job done
mstJobUntil 105 JobUntil Job suspended until expired
mstJobSubmit 106 JobSubmit Job submitted
mstJobCancel 107 JobCancel Job cancelled
mstJobReady 108 JobReady Job in READY status
mstJobHold 109 JobHold Job in HOLD status
mstJobRestart 110 JobRestart Job restarted
mstJobCant 111 JobCant Job Failed
mstJobSuccp 112 JobSuccp Job Successful pending
mstJobExtrn 113 JobExtrn Job extern
mstJobIntro 114 JobIntro Job in INTRO status
mstJobStuck 115 JobStuck Job stuck
mstJobWait 116 JobWait Job in WAIT status
mstJobWaitd 117 JobWaitd Job in wait deferred status
mstJobSched 118 JobSched Job scheduled
mstJobModify 119 JobModify Job modified
mstJobLate 120 JobLate Job is late
mstJobUntilCont 121 JobUntilCont Job UNTIL time expired with Continue option
mstJobUntilCanc 122 JobUntilCanc Job UNTIL time expired with Cancel option
mstJobMaxDurationExceededContinue 123 MaxDurationExceededContinue Job maximum duration exceeded, job continues to run
mstJobMaxDurationExceededKill 124 MaxDurationExceededKill Job maximum duration exceeded, Kill action triggered
mstJobMinDurationNotReachedContinue 125 MinDurationNotReachedContinue Job minimum duration not reached, job continues to run
mstJobMinDurationNotReachedAbend 126 MinDurationNotReachedAbend Job minimum duration not reached, Abend action triggered
mstJobMinDurationNotReachedConfirm 127 MinDurationNotReachedConfirm Job minimum duration not reached, Confirm action triggered
mstJobRisklevelHigh 128 JobRiskLevelHigh Critical job with risk level set to high
mstJobRisklevelPotential 129 JobRiskLevelPotential Critical job with risk level set to potential
mstJobRisklevelNone 130 JobRiskLevelNone Critical job with risk level set to either high or potential that is then removed from the plan
mstJobPromoted 131 JobPromoted Job in a critical network, that has not yet started, approaches the critical start time and gets promoted so that additional operating system resources are assigned and the submission of the job is prioritized
mstJobSuppress 132 JobSuppress The job is suppressed when the conditional dependencies associated to the job's predecessors are not satisfied.
mstSchedAbend 151 SchedAbend Job stream abended
mstSchedStuck 152 SchedStuck Job stream is stuck
Note: This event is not logged for Workstation Master.
153 SchedStart Job stream started
mstSchedDone 154 SchedDone Job stream done
mstSchedUntil 155 SchedUntil Job Stream suspended, until time expired
mstSchedSubmit 156 SchedSubmit Job stream submitted
mstSchedCancel 157 SchedCancel Job Stream cancelled
mstSchedReady 158 SchedReady Job stream in READY status
mstSchedHold 159 SchedHold Job stream in HOLD status
mstSchedExtrn 160 SchedExtrn Job stream extern
mstSchedCnpend 161 SchedCnpend Job Stream in CANCEL Pending status
mstSchedModifyName 162 SchedModify Name changed for a scheduled job
mstSchedLate 163 SchedLate Job Stream is late
mstSchedUntilCont 164 SchedUntilCont Job Stream Until time expired with continue option
mstSchedUntilCanc 165 SchedUntilCanc Job Stream until time expired with cancel option
mstSchedSuppress 166 SchedSuppress The job stream is suppressed when the conditional dependencies associated to the job stream's predecessors are not satisfied.
mstGlobalPrompt 201 GlobalPrompt Global prompt issued
mstSchedPrompt 202 SchedPrompt Prompt scheduled
mstJobPrompt 203 JobPrompt Job prompt issued
mstJobRecovPrompt 204 JobRecovPrompt Job Recovery prompt issued
mstLinkDropped 251 LinkDropped Link dropped
mstLinkBroken 252 LinkBroken Link broken
mstLinkSet 253 LinkSet Link set
mstMonitorStop 261 MonitorStop Monitor stop
mstMonitorStart 262 MonitorStart Monitor start
mstDomainMgrSwitch 301 DomainMgrSwitch Domain manager switch
mstReplyJobLocalPrompt 302 ReplyJobLocalPrompt Job prompt replied to
mstReplyGlobalPrompt 303 ReplyGlobalPrompt GLobal prompt replied to
mstReplySchedLocalPromp 304 ReplySchedLocalPromp Job stream local prompt replied to
mstLinkToCpu 305 LinkToCpu CPU linked
mstProcessStopped 306 ProcessStopped Process stopped
mstSchedComplete 307 SchedComplete Job stream completed
mstJobBound 308 JobBound For shadow jobs: the shadow job matched a remote job instance in the remote plan. For HCL Workload Automation for Z agents: the job is on the JES queue.
mstProductAlert 309 ProductAlert Symphony corruption