About handling hijacked files

While updating the view, you can handle hijacked files in any of the following ways:

  • Leave hijacked files in place
  • Rename the hijacked files and load the version from the VOB
  • Overwrite hijacked files with the version the config selects in the VOB

If you choose to leave hijacked files in place, you must resolve them before you deliver your work or merge it with others'. You can resolve the hijacks by either undoing the hijacks or by performing the following tasks:

  • Find hijacked or modified files.
  • Compare the hijacked file to the version in the VOB.
  • Check out the hijacked file. (If your view no longer selects the version that you hijacked, you cannot check out the hijacked file, and you must follow the procedure for checking in a nonselected hijacked file.)
  • Merge the latest version to the hijacked file.
  • Check in the merged file.

When you are connected to the network, you can use the Update Tool to help with these tasks.