
Creates a trigger type object



Command type


cleartool subcommand






  • Create element trigger type:
    mktrtype -ele/ment [ -a/ll ] [ -rep/lace ]
    { -pre/op | -pos/top } opkind[,...] [ -nus/ers login-name[,...] ]

    { -exe/c command

    | -execu/nix command

    | -execw/in command

    | -mkl/abel label-type-selector

    | -mka/ttr attribute-type-selector=value

    | -mkh/link hlink-type-selector, to=pname

    | -mkh/link hlink-type-selector, from=pname } ...

    [ restriction-list ]

    [ -pri/nt ]

    [ -c/omment comment | -cfi/le comment-file-pname | -cq/uery

    | -cqe/ach | -nc/omment ] type-selector ...

  • Create type trigger type:
    mktrtype -typ/e [ -rep/lace ] { -pre/op | -pos/top } opkind[,...]
    [ -nus/ers login-name[,...] ]

    { -exe/c command

    | -execu/nix command

    | -execw/in command

    | -mkl/abel label-type-selector

    | -mka/ttr attribute-type-selector=value

    | -mkh/link hlink-type-selector,to=pname

    | -mkh/link hlink-type-selector, from=pname } ...

    inclusion-list [ -pri/nt ]

    [ -c/omment comment | -cfi/le comment-file-pname | -cq/uery

    | -cqe/ach| -nc/omment ] type-selector ...

  • Create a UCM trigger type:
    mktrtype -ucm/object [ [ -a/ll ] [ -rep/lace ]
    { -pre/op | -pos/top } opkind[,...] [ -nus/ers login-name[,...] ]

    { -exe/c command

    | -execu/nix command

    | -execw/in command

    | -mka/ttr attribute-type-selector=value

    | -mkh/link hlink-type-selector,to=pname

    | -mkh/link hlink-type-selector,from=pname } ...

    restriction-list [ -pri/nt ]

    [ -c/omment comment | -cfi/le comment-file-pname | -cq/uery

    | -cqe/ach | -nc/omment ] type-selector ...

  • Create a UCM trigger type for a base VersionVault operation:
    mktrtype -ucm/object [ -rep/lace ]
    { -pre/op | -pos/top } opkind[,...] [ -nus/ers login-name[,...] ]

    { -exe/c command

    | -execu/nix command

    | -execw/in command

    | -mka/ttr attribute-type-selector=value

    | -mkh/link hlink-type-selector,to=pname

    | -mkh/link hlink-type-selector,from=pname } ...

    inclusion-list [ -pri/nt ]

    [ -c/omment comment | -cfi/le comment-file-pname | -cq/uery

    | -cqe/ach | -nc/omment ] type-selector ...

  • A restriction-list for an element trigger type contains one or more of:

    -att/ype attr-type-selector[,...]

    -hlt/ype hlink-type-selector[,...]

    -brt/ype branch-type-selector[,...]

    -lbt/ype label-type-selector[,...]

    -elt/ype elem-type-selector[,...]

    -trt/ype trigger-type-selector[,...]

  • An inclusion-list for a type trigger type contains one or more of:

    -attype attr-type-selector[,...]


    -att/ype -all

    -brt/ype branch-type-selector[,...]


    -brt/ype -all

    -elt/ype elem-type-selector[,...]


    -elt/ype -all

    -hlt/ype hlink-type-selector[,...]


    -hlt/ype -all

    -lbt/ype label-type-selector[,...]


    -lbt/ype -all

    -trt/ype trigger-type-selector[,...]


    -trt/ype -all

    Note: In an inclusion list, -xxxtype xxx-type-selector-a,xxx-type-selector-b is equivalent to -xxxtype xxx-type-selector-a, -xxxtype xxx-type-selector-b.
  • A restriction-list for a UCM trigger type contains one or more of:

    -com/ponent component-selector[,...] (Default: All components)

    -pro/ject project-selector[,...] (Default: All projects)

    -str/eam stream-selector[,...] (Default: All streams)

  • An inclusion-list for a UCM trigger type for base VersionVault operations contains one or more of:

    -com/ponent component-selector[,...] or -com/ponent -all

    -pro/ject project-selector[,...] or -pro/ject -all

    -str/eam stream-selector[,...] or -str/eam -all

    -act/ivity activity-selector[,...] or -act/ivity -all

    -bas/eline baseline-selector[,...] or -bas/eline -all

    -fol/der folder-selector[,...] or -fol/der -all

    Note: You cannot specify an inclusion-list with mktrtype -ucmobject -all. This form of the command accepts only a restriction-list, and creates a trigger type. Omitting the -all option and specifying an inclusion list creates a UCM trigger for base VersionVault operations and attaches it to the objects specified in the inclusion-list.
  • Create a trigger type that supports the ACL object types policy and rolemap:
    mktrtype [ -rep/lace ] -type { -pre/op | -pos/top } opkind[,...]
    [ -nus/ers login-name[,...] ]

    { -exe/c command

    | -execu/nix command

    | -execw/in command

    [ -policy policy-selector[,... ] ]

    [ -rolemap rolemap-selector[,... ] ]

    [ -c/omment comment | -cfi/le comment-file-pname | -cq/uery

    | -cqe/ach | -nc/omment ] type-selector ...


The mktrtype command creates one or more trigger types for use within a VOB. A trigger type defines a sequence of one or more trigger actions to be performed when a specified VersionVault operation occurs. The set of operations that initiates each trigger action (that is, causes the trigger to fire) can be very limited (for example, checkout only) or quite general (for example, any operation that modifies an element). With some types of triggers, you can use a restriction list to further limit the circumstances under which a trigger action is performed.

The trigger types are as follows:

  • An element trigger type works like a label type or attribute type: an instance of the type (that is, a trigger) must be explicitly attached to one or more individual elements with the mktrigger command. The trigger actions are performed when the specified operation is invoked on any of those elements. An element must exist before the trigger can be attached. (Putting a trigger on a mkelem operation has no effect.)

    A variant of this type, called an all-element trigger type, is associated with the entire VOB. (Hence, no mktrigger command is required.) In effect, an instance of the type is implicitly attached to each element in the VOB, even those created after this command is executed. This trigger type is useful for disallowing creation of elements that have certain characteristics.

    Element triggers are dependent on a view to fill in many of the trigger environment variables and to work properly in general. When you apply metadata (mkattr for example) through an element trigger, you must always specify the elements by using a view path either implicitly or explicitly.

  • A type trigger type is associated with one or more type objects. The trigger actions are performed when any of those type objects is created or modified.
  • A UCM trigger type is attached to one or more UCM objects, such as a stream or activity, and fires when the specified operation is invoked on the UCM object. There are two variants of the UCM trigger type:
    • UCM trigger types for UCM operations. These trigger types can be restricted to specific UCM objects or object kinds, or can apply to all UCM objects in a given project. All-UCM-object trigger types are implicitly attached to all existing and potential UCM objects in the project VOB (that is, no mktrigger command is required)
    • UCM trigger types for base VersionVault operations. These trigger types are attached only to the UCM objects or object kinds specified in an inclusion-list. This variant, which does not accept the -all option, also creates trigger types that are implicitly attached to the UCM objects named in the in inclusion-list.
  • The trigger type that supports ACL object types is similar to a type trigger type; it supports the policy and rolemap types.

Unlike other types, trigger types cannot be global.

Trigger firing

Causing a set of trigger actions to be performed is called firing a trigger. Each trigger action can be either of the following:

  • Any command (or sequence of commands) that can be invoked from a shell or command prompt. A command can use special environment variables (EVs), described in the section Trigger environment variables, to retrieve information about the operation.
  • Any of several built-in actions defined by mktrtype. The built-in actions attach metadata annotations to the object involved in the operation.

Trigger actions execute under the identity of the process that caused the trigger to fire.

Note: For Web and Automatic views the triggers are started on the VersionVault Remote Client WAN Server, not on the VersionVault Remote Client.

Interactive trigger action scripts

A script or batch file executed as (part of) a trigger action can interact with the user. The clearprompt utility is designed for use in such scripts; it can handle several kinds of user interactions through either the command line or GUI.

Multiple trigger firings

A single operation can cause any number of triggers to fire. The firing order of such simultaneous triggers is indeterminate. If multiple trigger operations must be executed in a particular order, use a single trigger that defines all operations in order of execution.

It is also possible for triggers to create a chain reaction. For example, a checkin operation fires a trigger that attaches an attribute to the checked-in version; the attach attribute operation, in turn, fires a trigger that sends mail or writes a comment to a file. You can use the CLEARCASE_PPID environment variable to help synchronize multiple firings (for more information, see Trigger environment variables).

If a trigger is defined to fire on a hyperlink operation, and the hyperlink connects two elements, the trigger fires twice, once for each end of the hyperlink.

Suppressing trigger firing

The firing of a trigger can be suppressed when the associated operation is performed by certain (OS) identities or (ACL) principals. Firing of a trigger is suppressed if the trigger type has been made obsolete. (See the lock reference page).

Platform-specfic execution

The -execunix and -execwin options allow a single trigger type to have different paths for the same script, or completely different scripts, on all supported platforms. When the trigger is fired on UNIX® or Linux®, the command specified with -execunix runs; when the trigger is fired on Windows®, the command specified with -execwin runs.

Triggers with only -execunix commands always fail on Windows®. Likewise, triggers that only have -execwin commands fail when they fire on UNIX® or Linux®. Failure to fire a preoperation trigger prevents the operation from proceeding.

The -exec option, whose command will run on both platforms, can be used in combination with the platform-specific options. For example, you can cascade options:

-exec arg1 -execunix arg2 -execwin arg3 -mklabel arg4 ...

Preoperation and postoperation triggers

A preoperation trigger (-preop option) fires before the corresponding operation begins. The one or more actions you've specified take place in their order on the command line.

This type of trigger is useful for enforcing development policies, ACL policies, and ACL rolemaps:

  • If any trigger action returns a nonzero exit status, the operation is canceled.
  • If all trigger actions return a zero exit status, the operation proceeds.

For example, a preoperation trigger can prohibit checkin of an element version that fails to pass a code-quality test.

A postoperation trigger (-postop option) fires after completion of the corresponding operation. The one or more actions you've specified take place in their order on the command line. This kind of trigger is useful for recording--in the VOB or UCM project VOB, or outside them--the occurrence of the operation. If a postoperation trigger action returns a nonzero exit status, a failed exit status warning message is printed, but other trigger actions, if any, are executed.

For example, a postoperation trigger on checkin attaches an attribute to the checked-in version and sends a mail message to interested users and/or managers.

Note: For preop triggers for checkin, and maybe mkelem, the file on the server may not have the same contents as the file from the client when the trigger fires.
For more details, see technote 340097.

Restriction lists and inclusion lists

Element trigger types and UCM trigger types that do not invoke base VersionVault operations can include a restriction list, which is optional and limits the scope of the operation specified with -preop or -postop. The trigger fires only if the operation involves the objects or object kinds named in the restriction list. Restriction lists are optional. Trigger types that do not have them fire for all objects of a given type.

Type trigger types and UCM trigger types that invoke base VersionVault operations must have an inclusion list. If they do not, the trigger will never fire. Trigger types created with inclusion lists are implicitly attached to the objects or kinds of objects named in the inclusion list, so it is unnecessary to use mktrigger to attach them. The special keyword -all in an inclusion list entry allows you to include every object of a particular kind (for example, all branch type objects or all baselines), even ones that have yet to be created.

Trigger environment variables

When a trigger fires, the trigger action executes in a special environment whose EVs make information available to -xec, -execunix, and -execwin routines: what operation caused the trigger to fire, what object was involved in the operation, and so on. The complete set of EVs is listed in Trigger operations and trigger environment variables.



For each object processed, you must be one of the following: type owner (applies to -replace only), VOB owner (element trigger types), project VOB owner (UCM trigger types) or:

  • UNIX® and Linux®: root
  • VersionVault on Windows®: member of the VersionVault administrators group


An error occurs if one or more of these objects are locked: the VOB (for an element trigger type), the project VOB (for a UCM trigger type), the trigger type (applies to -replace only).


(Replicated VOBs only) No mastership restrictions.

See the permissions reference page.

Options and arguments

Specifying the kind of trigger type

Creates an element trigger type. Use the -a/ll option to create an all-element trigger type, which is implicitly attached to all VOB objects not specified in the restriction list.
Creates a type trigger type and associates it with specific type objects, kinds of type objects, or both.
Creates a UCM object trigger type. When used with a restriction list or the -a/ll option, creates a trigger type for UCM operations, which can be attached to individual UCM objects with mktrigger. When used without the -a/ll option and with an inclusion list, creates a trigger type for base VersionVault operations, which is implicitly attached to the objects or object kinds named in the inclusion list.

Handling of name collisions

An error occurs if a trigger type named type-name already exists in the VOB.
Replaces the existing definition of type-name with a new one. If you do not include options from the existing definition, their values are replaced with the defaults.

If you specify a comment when using -replace, the comment appears in the event record for the modification (displayed with lshistory -minor); it does not replace the object's creation comment (displayed with describe). To change an object's creation comment, use chevent.

If an instance of an element or UCM trigger type is currently attached to any object, the replacement definition must correspond in kind: the new definition must be of an element trigger type or a UCM trigger type (but not an all-element or all-UCM object trigger type). You can remove an existing trigger type and all of its attached instances using the rmtype command.

An error occurs if you specify -replace when no trigger type named type-name exists in the VOB.

Specifying the operations to be monitored

None. For both -preop and -postop, you must specify a comma-separated list of operations, any of which fire the trigger. Many of the operation keywords have the same names as cleartool subcommands (for example, checkout and unlock). Uppercase keywords (for example, MODIFY_ELEM) identify groups of operations. For a list of operation keywords, see the section Trigger operations and trigger environment variables.
-pre/op opkind[,...]
Specifies one or more operations that cause the trigger to fire before the operation starts. The exit status of the trigger actions is significant: for each trigger action, a zero exit status allows the operation to proceed; a nonzero exit status cancels the operation.
-pos/top opkind[,...]
Specifies one or more operations that cause the trigger to fire after the operation completes. The exit status of the trigger action is not significant.

Suppressing trigger firing for certain users

Triggers fire regardless of who performs the operation.
-nus/ers login-name[,...]
Suppresses trigger firing when any user on the comma-separated login-name list performs the operation.

Specifying the trigger action

None. Specify one or more of the following options to indicate the action to be performed when the trigger fires; you can use more than one option of the same kind. With multiple options, the trigger actions are performed in the specified sequence.
-exe/c command
Executes the specified command in a shell when the trigger fires. If command includes one or more arguments, quote the entire string. Use single quotes ('command ') if the command includes VersionVault environment variables, to delay interpretation until trigger-firing time.

VersionVault on Windows®: If you do not run mktrtype from the cleartool prompt, enclose command along with any single quotes in double quotes (" 'command' "). (See also the cleartool reference page.)

If you invoke a command built in to the Windows® shell (for example, cd, del, dir, or copy), you must invoke the shell with cmd /c. For example:

-exec 'cmd /c copy %CLEARCASE_PN% %HOME%'

-execu/nix command -execw/in command
These options have the same behavior as -exec when fired on the appropriate platform (UNIX®, Linux®, or Windows®, respectively). When fired on the other platform, they do nothing; however, triggers with only -execunix commands always fail on Windows®, and triggers that only have -execwin commands always fail on UNIX® and Linux®. Failure to fire a preoperation trigger prevents the operation from proceeding.
Note: On UNIX® or Linux®, If you use -execwin when defining a trigger type, you must escape backslashes in command with a backslash. Also, if you invoke a command built in to the Windows® shell (for example, cd, del, dir, or copy), you must invoke the shell with cmd /c. For example:

-execwin 'cmd /c copy %CLEARCASE_PN% %HOME%'

-mkl/abel label-type-selector
(With -postop only) Attaches the specified version label to the element version involved in the operation that caused trigger firing. If the label type is a global type, a local copy of the type must exist in the VOB in which you are creating the trigger type. Specify label-type-selector in the form [lbtype:]type-name[@vob-selector].

–mkl/abel label-type-selector


Name of the label type

See the cleartool reference page for rules about composing names.


VOB specifier. Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob


Path name of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)

-mka/ttr attribute-type-selector=value
(With -postop only) Attaches the specified attribute name/value pair to the object involved in the operation that caused trigger firing. If the attribute type is a global type, a local copy of the type must exist in the VOB in which you are creating the trigger type. Specify attribute-type-selector in the form [attype:]type-name[@vob-selector].

–mka/ttr attribute-type-selector=value


Name of the attribute type

See the cleartool reference page for rules about composing names.


VOB specifier. Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob


path name of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)

-mkh/link hlink-type-selector,to=pname
(With -postop only) Creates a hyperlink from the object involved in the operation that caused the trigger to fire to the object specified by pname. If the hyperlink type is a global type, a local copy of the type must exist in the VOB in which you are creating the trigger type. Specify hlink-type-selector in the form [hltype:]type-name[@vob-selector].

–mkh/link hlink-type-selector,to=pname


Name of the hyperlink type

See the cleartool reference page for rules about composing names.


VOB specifier

Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob


path name of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)

-mkh/link hlink-type-selector,from=pname
(With -postop only) Creates a hyperlink from the object specified by pname to the object involved in the operation that caused the trigger to fire. If the hyperlink type is a global type, a local copy of the type must exist in the VOB in which you are creating the trigger type. Specify hlink-type-selector in the form [hltype:]type-name[@vob-selector].

–mkh/link hlink-type-selector,from=pname


Name of the hyperlink type

See the cleartool reference page for rules about composing names.


VOB specifier

Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob


Path name of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)

Note: With the built-in actions -mklabel, -mkattr, and -mkhlink, you can specify the information either literally or using environment variables:

-mklabel RLS_2.3


-mklabel RLS_$RLSNUM

Depends on value of EV at trigger firing time

-mklabel %THIS_RLS%

Depends on value of EV at trigger firing time

-mkattr ECO=437


-mkattr ECO=$ECONUM

Depends on value of EV at trigger firing time

The built-in actions never cause additional triggers to fire. However, scripts or other programs invoked with -exec may cause such chain reactions. For example, a mklabel command in a shell script can cause another trigger to fire, but the corresponding -mklabel trigger action cannot.

Element trigger types: Specifying a restriction list

No restrictions; triggers fire when any of the specified operations occurs, no matter what type objects are involved.
-att/ype attr-type-selector[,...], -brt/ype branch-type-selector[,...], -elt/ype elem-type-selector [,...], -hlt/ype hlink-type-selector[,...], -lbt/ype label-type-selector[,...], -trt/ype trigger-type-selector[,...]
Use one or more of the above options (or multiple options of the same kind) to specify a set of type objects for the restriction list. If the type object is an ordinary type, it must already exist. If a type object is a global type and a local copy does not exist in the VOB, a local copy is created automatically.

Repeated options, such as -elt text_file -elt c_source, are equivalent to a single option: -elt text_file,c_source. Wildcarding ( -eltype '*file' ) is not supported.

At trigger-firing time, the items on the restriction list form a logical condition. If the condition is met, the trigger fires.

Specify the type-selector arguments in the form [type-kind:]type-name[@vob-selector]

Specifying a restriction list


One of


Attribute type


Branch type


Element type


Hyperlink type


Label type


Trigger type


Name of the type object


VOB specifier

Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob


path name of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)

Note: Suppressing the firing of a preoperation trigger allows the operation to proceed.

Here is a simple condition:

-brtype rel2_bugfix

Fire the trigger only if the operation involves a branch of type rel2_bugfix.

If the list includes multiple type objects, they are combined into a compound condition: type objects of the same kind are grouped with logical OR; objects (or groups) of different kinds are then logically ANDed.

-brtype rel2_bugfix -eltype text_file,c_source 

Fire the trigger only if the operation involves a branch of type rel2_bugfix AND it involves either an element of type text_file OR of an element of type c_source.

In forming the condition, a type object is ignored if it could not possibly be affected by the operation. (The relevant information is included in the Trigger operations and trigger environment variables section.) For example, the restriction list -lbtype REL2,REL2.01 applies only to the operations chtype, mklabel, and rmlabel.

Type trigger types: Specifying an inclusion list

None. You must specify at least one item for the inclusion list of a type trigger type.
-att/ype attr-type-selector[,...] or-att/ype -all, -brt/ype branch-type-selector[,...] or -brt/ype -all , -elt/ype elem-type-selector[,...] or -elt/ype -all , -hlt/ype hlink-type-selector[,...] or -hlt/ype -all , -bt/ype label-type-selector[,...] or -lbt/ype -all , -trt/ype trigger-type-selector[,...] or -trt/ype -all
You must specify at least one existing type object, or at least one kind of type object, using the special keyword -all. The trigger fires only if the inclusion list contains the type object that is being modified or used by the operation.

UCM trigger types: Specifying a restriction list

For -component, all components; for -project, all projects; for -stream, all streams.
-com/ponent component-selector[,...] -pro/ject project-selector[,...]-str/eam stream-selector[,...]
Use one or more of the above options to specify a set of UCM objects for the restriction list. At trigger firing time, the items on the restriction list form a logical condition: if the condition is met, the trigger fires.

component-selector is of the form [component:]component-name[@vob-selector], where vob-selector specifies the component's project VOB.

project-selector is of the form [project:]project-name[@vob-selector], where vob-selector specifies the project's project VOB.

stream-selector is of the form [stream:]stream-name[@vob-selector], where vob-selector specifies the stream's project VOB.

UCM trigger types for base VersionVault operations: Specifying an inclusion list

None. You must specify at least one item for the inclusion list of a UCM trigger type for base VersionVault operations.
-pro/ject project-selector[,...] or-pro/ject -all, -str/eam stream-selector[,...] or -str/eam -all , -com/ponent component-selector[,...] or -com/ponent -all , -fol/der folder-selector[,...] or -fol/der -all , -act/ivity activity-selector[,...] or -act/ivity -all , -bas/eline baseline-selector[,...] or -bas/eline -all
You must specify at least one existing UCM object, or at least one kind of UCM object, using the special keyword -all. The trigger fires only if the inclusion list contains the type object that is being modified or used by the operation.

Tracing trigger execution

At trigger firing time, if the environment variable CLEARCASE_TRACE_TRIGGERS is set to a nonnull value for the process that causes the trigger to fire, a message that includes the trigger type name is printed when the trigger fires; a similar message is generated when the trigger action completes.
Causes the messages to be generated at trigger firing time, whether or not CLEARCASE_TRACE_TRIGGERS is set. Messages are written to the standard output stream, which, though always displayed in a command line interface, is not always displayed by GUIs. (GUIs on the UNIX® system and Linux® typically capture this stream in a transcript. Windows® GUIs do not capture it.)

Event records and comments

Creates one or more event records, with commenting controlled by your .versionvault_profile file (default: -cqe). See the comments reference page. Comments can be edited with chevent.
-c/omment comment | -cfi/le comment-file-pname |-cq/uery | -cqe/ach | -nc/omment
Overrides the default with the option you specify. See the comments reference page.

Naming the trigger type

The trigger type is created in the VOB that contains the current working directory unless you use the @vob-selector suffix to specify another VOB.
type-selector ...
One or more names for the trigger types to be created. Specify trigger-type-selector in the form [trtype:]type-name[@vob-selector].



Name of the trigger type.

See the cleartool reference page for rules about composing names.


VOB specifier

Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob


path name of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB or project VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB or project VOB (if the VOB is mounted)

Trigger operations and trigger environment variables

Trigger operations for type trigger types

The following list shows the operation keywords (opkind) for use in definitions of type trigger types (mktrtype -type). The operation fires a trigger only if the affected object is a type object specified on the inclusion list, which is required.

Note: These operations are not VersionVault commands, although some have the same names as cleartool subcommands. These are lower-level operations, similar to function calls. See the events_ccase reference page for a list of which commands cause which operations.
  • chevent
  • chmaster
  • lock
  • mkattr
  • mkattr
  • mkhlink
  • mktype (see Note)
  • modtype (see Note)
  • rmattr
  • rmhlink
  • rmtype
  • rntype
  • unlock
Note: If you specify mktype, the corresponding inclusion list cannot specify individual type objects; all relevant options must use the -all keyword. For example:

... -postop mktype -eltype -all -brtype -all ...

The modtype operation fires on the redefinition of attribute, branch, element, hyperlink, label, and trigger types.

Trigger operations for element and all-element trigger types

Table 1 lists the operation keywords (opkind) for use in definitions of element and all-element trigger types (-element and -element -all). For any opkind, not all restrictions specified in the restriction-list argument are especially relevant; Table 1 also shows which restrictions are checked for each opkind. The opkinds in capitals (such as MODIFY_ELEM) specify all opkinds that appear under them; in other words, they are generalizations of the more specific opkinds.

These operations are not VersionVault commands, although some have the same names as cleartool subcommands. These are lower-level operations, similar to function calls. See the events_ccase reference page for a list of which commands cause which operations.

Note: In the table that follows, MODIFY_DATA and MODIFY_MD are subsets of MODIFY_ELEM. Therefore, a trigger type that fires with a MODIFY_ELEM opkind will fire for any event listed under MODIFY_DATA and MODIFY_MD, as well as for events listed under MODIFY_ELEM.
Table 1. Element trigger definition operation keywords

Operation keyword Restrictions checked when trigger fires



Element type, branch type


See NOTE at end of table


Element type, branch type


Element type, branch type


Element type, branch type



Element type, branch type


All type objects

Note: When run on an element for which the opkind MODIFY_DATA is set, chtype ignores type restrictions.


Element type, branch type


See NOTE at end of table


Element type, branch type


Element type




See NOTE at end of table


Element type, branch type


Element type




Element type, branch type


See NOTE at end of table



See NOTE at end of table


Element type, attribute type, branch type


Element type, hyperlink type, branch type


Element type, label type, branch type


Element type, trigger type


Element type, attribute type, branch type


Element type, hyperlink type, branch type


Element type, label type


Element type, trigger type

Note: The operation fires a trigger only if the affected object is one of the following:
  • A branch object or version object (in this case, only element type and branch type restrictions apply)
  • An element object (in this case, only element type restrictions apply)
  • A type object (in this case, only restrictions on that kind of type object apply)

Trigger operations for UCM objects and all-UCM-object trigger types

Table 2 lists the operation keywords (opkind) for use in definitions of UCM object and all-UCM-object trigger types (-ucmobject and -ucmobject -all). The table shows the kind of UCM object to which the trigger may be attached; you can also use -all to specify all UCM objects. For any UCM operation, not all restrictions specified in the restriction-list argument are especially relevant; Table 2 also shows which restrictions are checked for each operation. You can use the UCM operation as a synonym for all other UCM operations; it causes a trigger to fire when any UCM operation for which triggers are enabled occurs.

Note: These operations are not VersionVault commands, although some have the same names as cleartool subcommands. These are lower-level operations, similar to function calls.
Table 2. UCM object trigger definition operation keywords

Operation keyword

Object type

Restrictions checked when trigger fires



Target (integration) stream

Stream, Project. (Fires twice in a postop trigger during a two-phase deliver operation. The second firing occurs at the beginning of the merge phase of the deliver.)


Target (integration) stream

Stream, Project


Target (integration) stream

Stream, Project


Target (integration) stream

Stream, Project


Target (development) stream

Stream, Project


Target (development) stream

Stream, Project


Target (development) stream

Stream, Project


Stream that is to contain the activity

Stream, Project


Activity being changed

Stream, Project


Activity being removed

Stream, Project


Activity being set

Stream, Project


Activity being unset

Stream, Project


Project or stream that is to contain the stream



Stream being changed

Stream, Project


Stream being removed

Stream, Project


Component that is to contain the baseline

Stream, Component, Project. If imported, triggers fire but the environment variables CLEARCASE_STREAM and CLEARCASE_PROJECT are undefined.


Stream where the baselines are to be created

Stream, Component, Project. Fires when all baselines that need to be created in the stream have been created. Does not apply to imported baselines


Component that contains the baseline

Component, Project


Component that contains the baseline

Component, Project


The entire project VOB



Project being changed



Project being removed



The entire project VOB



Component being changed



The entire project VOB



Folder that is to contain the folder



Folder that contains the folder



Folder that contains the folder


Trigger operations for UCM trigger types for base VersionVault operations

The following list shows the operation keywords (opkind) for use in definitions of UCM trigger types for base VersionVault operations (mktrtype -ucmobj without -all). The operation fires a trigger only if the affected UCM object is on the inclusion list, which is required.

  • lock
  • unlock

Trigger operations for ACL objects

Following is a table of trigger operations for use in ACL trigger type definitions.

Table 3. ACL object trigger definition operation keywords
Operation keyword Object type Restrictions checked when trigger fires
mkpolicy policy policy
mkrolemap rolemap rolemap
modpolicy policy policy
modrolemap rolemap rolemap
rmpolicy policy policy
rmrolemap rolemap rolemap
setrolemap rolemap, policy, element policy, rolemap, element
Note: The setrolemap operation is a special case: it can be created as either -type or -element. The trigger is fired by the protect -chrolemap command.
  • For protect -chrolemap on either policy or rolemap objects, the trigger need to be created as -type.
  • For protect -chrolemap on elements, the trigger needs to be created as -element
  • A setrolemap trigger with -element, can be used in a mktrigger command to attach to specific elements

Trigger environment variables

The following list shows the environment variables (EV) that are set in the environment in which a trigger action script runs. The words in parentheses at the beginning of the description indicate which operations cause the EV to be set to a significant string; for all other operations, the EV is set to the null string. (See the events_ccase reference page for a list of which commands cause which operations.)

(All deliver and rebase operations; checkin, checkout, mkactivity, chactivity, rmactivity, setactivity, uncheckout) The UCM activity, if applicable, involved in the operation that caused the trigger to fire. For checkin, checkout, and uncheckout operations, the activity that is set in the view used for the operation. For the mkactivity, deliver_start, and rebase_start operations, this environment variable is set only for a postoperation trigger.
(mktrigger, rmtrigger) Set to 1 if an element trigger type (except an all-element trigger type) is on the affected element's attached list; set to 0 if it is on a directory element's inheritance list. See the mktrigger reference page for a description of these lists.
(All operations that can be restricted by attribute type) The attribute type involved in operation that caused the trigger to fire. In a rename operation, the old name of the renamed attribute type object. Triggers can be used to control the use of the mkcmprovider and rmprovider commands on branch types by attaching a trigger to the mkattr or rmattr operation on the branch type. In this case, the VersionVault trigger environment variable CLEARCASE_ATTYPE is set to the value CC_CMI_CONTEXT when the trigger fires.
(All rebase operations, mkbl, mkbl_complete, chbl, rmbl, and deliver_start when delivering baselines ) For the rebase operations, a space-separated list of all UCM foundation baselines to which the destination stream is to be rebased. For mkbl_complete, a list of all baselines created in the stream by the operation; for the chbl and rmbl operations, the list specifies only one baseline. For deliver_start, a list of all baselines delivered by the operation.
(All operations that can be restricted by branch type) Branch type involved in the operation that caused the trigger to fire. In a rename operation, the old name of the renamed branch type object.
(protect) New group of the reprotected object as specified in the command line; unset if not specified.
(protect) New protection of the reprotected object as specified in the command line; unset if not specified.
(protect) New owner of the reprotected object as specified in the command line; unset if not specified.
(checkin) path name in checkin -from.
(All operations initiated through use of the cleartool command) A string that specifies the cleartool subcommand and any options and arguments included on the command line.
  • This EV's value is set by the cleartool command only. If a trigger is fired by any other means (through the use of a VersionVault GUI, for example) the EV is not set.
  • The EV's value may be garbled if the command line contains nested quotes.
(mkcmprovider, rmprovider) Triggers can be used to control the use of the Change Management Interface (CMI) commands mkcmprovider and rmprovider on chstream operations. In this case, the VersionVault trigger environment variable CLEARCASE_CMI_OP is set to either mkcmprovider or rmprovider.
(All operation kinds that support comments) Comment string for the command that caused the trigger to fire.
(mkbl, chbl, rmbl, mkcomp, rmcomp) The UCM component containing the object involved in the action that caused the trigger to fire, if applicable.
(mkbl_complete) A list of components associated with the baselines created in the mkbl_complete operation.
(deliver_start, deliver_complete) A space-separated list of all UCM activities merged during the deliver operation.
(All operations that can be restricted by element type) Element type of the element involved in the operation that caused the trigger to fire. In a rename operation, the old name of the renamed element type object.
(mkfolder, chfolder, rmfolder, mkproject, chproject, rmproject) The folder that contains the project.
(chmaster) The old master replica, or from-replica: the replica that mastered the object at the time the command was entered.

When the command chmaster -default brtype:branch-type-name is run at the site of the replica that masters the branch type, CLEARCASE_FREPLICA is set to the name of the current replica. If the command is run at a site that does not master the branch type, the command fails, but CLEARCASE_FREPLICA is set to the name of the replica that masters the branch type.

When the command chmaster -default branch-name is run, CLEARCASE_FREPLICA is set to the name of the current replica. (If the command is run at a site that does not master the branch, it fails.)

(mkhlink, rmhlink) Text associated with hyperlink from-object.
(mkhlink, mkhlink on type) ("from type) Object selector of the type that the hyperlink being applied or removed is from.
(mkhlink, rmhlink) path name of VOB containing hyperlink from-object.
(mkhlink, rmhlink) VOB-extended path name of hyperlink from-object.
(All operations that can be restricted by hyperlink type) Hyperlink type involved in operation that caused the trigger to fire. In a rename operation, the old name of the renamed hyperlink type object.
(chactivity, checkin, checkout, chpolicy, chrolemap, mkattr, mkbranch, mkhlink, mklabel, mkpolicy, mkrolemap, rmattr, rmhlink, rmlabel, rmpolicy, rmrolemap, rmver) Version ID of version, or branch path name of branch, involved in the operation.
(mkhlink, rmhlink) Set to 1 if CLEARCASE_PN contains name of hyperlink from-object; set to 0 if CLEARCASE_PN contains name of hyperlink to-object.
(All operations that can be restricted by label type) Label type involved in the operation that caused the trigger to fire. In a rename operation, the old name of the renamed label type object.
(mkattr, mkhlink, rmattr, rmhlink on type) Object selector of the type for which the attribute or hyperlink is being applied or removed.
(All) Kind (that is, the metatype) of the object involved in the operation that caused the trigger to fire: element type, branch type, directory version, and so on.

For mkattr, mkhlink, rmattr, rmhlink type triggers, CLEARCASE_MTYPE specifies the metatype of the type being modified, not the metatype of the attribute or hyperlink.

(rename) New name of the renamed type object.
(All) Actual operation that caused the trigger to fire.
(checkout) Path name in checkout -out. (Same as CLEARCASE_PN if -out not used.)
The name of the parent stream (as a stream selector value) of a child stream created by a mkstream operation.
(All operations; element triggers only) Name of element specified in the command that caused the trigger to fire.
  • (Dynamic view only) With an all-element trigger, a path name in the root directory of a VOB is reported with an extra (but still correct) "/." or "\. path name component:


    If VOB is mounted at /vobs/proj


    If VOB-tag is \proj1

  • Some cleartool commands rename files during their execution. Usually, such manipulations are unnoticeable, but you may need to adjust your trigger scripts or batch files accordingly. For example, the script for a preoperation mkelem trigger may need to operate on file name "$CLEARCASE_PN.mkelem instead of "$CLEARCASE_PN (UNIX® and Linux®) or on name "%CLEARCASE_PN%.mkelem instead of "%CLEARCASE_PN% (Windows®)
  • If the file does not exist (for example, the checked-out file was removed), the value of CLEARCASE_PN is different from its value when the file exists.
Note: The CLEARCASE_PN, CLEARCASE_XPN, CLEARCASE_OUT_PN and CLEARCASE_PN2 EVs (and any other EV that contain a pathname) point to a temp pathname on the VersionVault WAN server, in case of Web or Automatic views. For more details, see technote 340097.
  • When a side-effect of a mkelem operation, gets the same value as CLEARCASE_PN.
  • When a side-effect of a mv operation, gets the old path name of the element.
Set by mkpolicy, modpolicy, and rmpolicy to contain the ACL policy object name.
(mkelem, mkslink, lnname, rmname, deliver, rebase, mkbrtype, mkstream) Parent operation kind. The mkelem and mkslink operations both cause an lnname operation. If lnname happens as a result of either of these parent operations, CLEARCASE_POP_KIND is set to mkelem or mkslink, respectively. Note that both the parent operations (mkelem and mkslink) and the child operation (lnname) set CLEARCASE_POP_KIND to the applicable parent operation value--mkelem or mkslink. A mktype trigger on a branch type causes CLEARCASE_POP_KIND to be to a value of mkstream if the branch type is linked to a UCM stream (because it was created by a mkstream operation).

Commands that cause multiple operations








ln -s





move | mv




















deliver -cancel



rebase -cancel



deliver -complete



rebase -complete



The move or mv command is a special case because there is no move operation. Therefore, the CLEARCASE_POP_KIND environment variable is set to the values rmname and lnname to show that those operations were part of the command execution.

(All) Parent Process ID: the process ID of the VersionVault program (for example, cleartool) that invoked the trigger. This is useful for constructing unique names for temporary files that will pass data between a preoperation trigger and a postoperation trigger, or between successive parts of a multipart trigger action.
(All deliver, rebase and mkbl operations; mkactivity, chactivity, rmactivity, mkstream, chstream, rmstream, chbl, rmbl, mkproject, chproject, rmproject, setactivity) The UCM project containing the object involved in the action that caused the trigger to fire, if applicable. Not set for the mkbl operation if this is an imported baseline.
(mkattr, mklabel) Set to 1 if the user specified that the attribute or label instance is to be replaced; otherwise, set to 0.
(checkin, checkout) Set to 1 if the user requested a reserved checkout; set to 0 if user requested an unreserved checkout.
Set by mkrolemap, modrolemap, rmrolemap, and setrolemap to contain the ACL rolemap object name.
(mkslink; that is, the ln -s command) Text of the new VOB symbolic link.
(All operations executed in a snapshot view) The path to the root of the snapshot view directory in which the operation that caused the trigger to fire took place.
(All deliver operations) The UCM stream from which the deliver operation was initiated.
(All deliver, rebase and mkbl operations; mkactivity, chactivity, rmactivity, setactivity, mkstream, chstream, rmstream, chbl, rmbl) The UCM stream containing the object involved in the action that caused the trigger to fire, if applicable. For the mkstream operation, a postoperation trigger only. Not set for the mkbl, chbl, or rmbl operation if this is an initial (or imported) baseline.
(chactivity) The activity that will contain the versions of elements. The activity that previously contained the versions is CLEARCASE_ACTIVITY.
(chproject, chfolder) The folder that will contain the project or folder.
(chmaster) The new master replica, or to-replica: the replica specified to receive mastership.

When the command chmaster -default brtype:branch-type-name is run at the site of the replica that masters the branch type, CLEARCASE_TREPLICA is set to the name of the current replica. If the command is run at a site that does not master the branch type, the command fails, but CLEARCASE_TREPLICA is set to the name of the current replica.

When the command chmaster -default branch-name is run, CLEARCASE_TREPLICA is set to the name of the replica that masters the branch type. (If the command is run at a site that does not master the branch, it fails.)

(All operations that can be restricted by trigger type) Trigger type involved in the operation that caused the trigger to fire. In a rename operation, the old name of the renamed trigger type object.
(All operations that can be restricted by trigger type) Kind of trigger type; this variable is set to pre-operation or post-operation which informs the user whether the trigger fires before or after the trigger operation.
(mkhlink, rmhlink) Text associated with hyperlink to-object.
mkhlink, mkhlink on type) Object selector of the type which the hyperlink being applied or removed is to.
(mkhlink, rmhlink) Path name of VOB containing hyperlink to-object.
(mkhlink, rmhlink) VOB-extended path name of hyperlink to-object.
(All) The user who issued the command that caused the trigger to fire; derived from the UNIX® or Linux® real user ID or the Windows® user ID.
(mkattr) String representation of attribute value for CLEARCASE_ATTYPE (for example, "Yes" or 4657).
(All operations) The kind of view in which the operation that caused the trigger to fire took place; the value may be dynamic, automatic, snapshot, or web.
(All non-UCM operations; for UCM, all deliver and rebase operations and setactivity) View tag of the view in which the operation that caused the trigger to fire took place.
(All) VOB tag of the VOB or UCM project VOB whose object was involved in the operation that caused the trigger to fire.

A combination of the CLEARCASE_VOB_PN and CLEARCASE_PN environment variables can be used to extract the VOB-only path name. Because the CLEARCASE_VOB_PN variable contains the VOB tag, it can be used to determine where the VOB part of a path name begins in CLEARCASE_PN.

(mkattr) Value type of the attribute in CLEARCASE_ATTYPE (for example, string or integer).
(All) Extended naming symbol (such as @@) for host on which the operation took place.
(All operations; element triggers only) Same as CLEARCASE_ID_STR, but prepended with CLEARCASE_PN and CLEARCASE_XN_SFX values, to form a complete VOB-extended path name of the object involved in the operation.


The UNIX system and Linux examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX system and Linux shells or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt.

Note: Trigger environment variables are typically evaluated when the trigger fires, not when you enter the mktrtype command. If this is the case, escape the $ (UNIX® and Linux®) or % (Windows®) environment variable symbol according to the conventions of the shell you are using. Escaping is not necessary if you enter the command manually in cleartool's interactive mode (that is, if it is not interpreted by a shell).
  • Create an all-element trigger type and a type trigger type that prevent all users except Stephen, Hugh, and Emma from running the chmaster command on element-related objects and type objects in the current VOB:

    cleartool mktrtype -element -all -preop chmaster ^
    -nusers stephen,hugh,emma ^
    -execunix "Perl -e \"exit -1;\"" -execwin "ccperl -e \"exit (-1);\"" ^
    -c "ACL for chmaster" elem_chmaster_ACL

    cleartool mktrtype -type -preop chmaster -nusers stephen,hugh,emma ^
    -execunix "Perl -e \"exit -1;\"" -execwin "ccperl -e \"exit (-1);\"" ^
    -attype -all -brtype -all -eltype -all -lbtype -all -hltype -all ^
    -c "ACL for chmaster" type_chmaster_ACL

UNIX® and Linux® examples

  • Create an element type named script for use with shell-script files. Then, create an all-element trigger type, chmod_a_plus_x, that makes newly created elements of type script executable. Convert a view-private file to an element of this type.

    cmd-context mkeltype -supertype text_file -c "shell script" script
    Created element type "script".
    cmd-context mktrtype -element -all -postop mkelem -eltype script -nc \
    -exec '/opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/bin/cleartool protect \
    -chmod a+x $CLEARCASE_PN'chmod_a_plus_x

    Created trigger type "chmod_a_plus_x".

    cmd-context mkelem -eltype script -ci -nc
    Created element "" (type "script").
    Changed protection on "/usr/hw/src/".
    Checked in "" version "/main/1".

  • Create an all-element trigger type, to run a script each time a checkin takes place.

    cmd-context mktrtype -element -all -postop checkin -nc \
    -exec /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/bin/notify notify_admin

    Created trigger type "notify_admin".

    notify script:

    mail jones adm <<!
    "notify_admin" Trigger:
    checkin of "$CLEARCASE_PN"
    version: $CLEARCASE_ID_STR
  • Create an all-element trigger type to monitor checkins of elements of type c_source. Firing the trigger runs a test program on the file being checked in and may cancel the checkin.

    cmd-context mktrtype -element -all -nc -preop checkin \
    -exec '/net/neon/scripts/metrics_test $CLEARCASE_PN' \
    -eltype c_source metrics_trigger

    Created trigger type "metrics_trigger".

  • Create an all-element trigger type to attach a version label to each new version created on any element's main branch.

    cmd-context mktrtype -element -all -postop checkin -mklabel REL\$BL_NUM \
    -nc -brtype main label_i

    Created trigger type "label_it".

    Environment variable BL_NUM determines which version label is to be attached. This EV is evaluated at trigger firing time, because the dollar sign ($) is escaped.

  • Create a type trigger type to send a mail message each time any new branch type is created.

    cmd-context mktrtype -type -nc -postop mktype -brtype -all \  
     -exec /net/neon/scripts/mail_admin new_branch_trigger

    Created trigger type "new_branch_trigger".

  • Create an element trigger type that, when attached to an element, fires whenever a new version of that element is checked in. Firing the trigger attaches attribute TestedBy to the version, assigning it the value of the CLEARCASE_USER environment variable as a double-quoted string.
    Note: In this example, the single quotes preserve the double quotes on the string literal, and suppress environment variable substitution by the shell. The CLEARCASE_USER environment variable is evaluated at firing time.

    cmd-context mktrtype -element -postop checkin \
    -c "set attribute to record which user checked in this version" \
    -mkattr 'TestedBy="$CLEARCASE_USER"' trig_who_didit

    Created trigger type "trig_who_didit".

  • Create an all-element trigger type that prompts for the source of an algorithm when an element of type c_source is created. Firing the trigger executes a script named hlink_algorithm, which invokes the clearprompt utility to obtain the necessary information. The script then creates a text-only hyperlink between the newly created element object (for example, foo.c@@) and the specified text. The hlink_algorithm script is shown immediately after the mktrtype command.

    cmd-context mktrtype -element -all -nc -postop mkelem -eltype c_source \
    -exec /net/neon/scripts/hlink_algorithm describe_algorithm

    Created trigger type "describe_algorithm".

    hlink_algorithm script:

    clearprompt text -outfile /usr/tmp/alg.$CLEARCASE_PPID \
    -def "Internal Design" -prompt "Algorithm Source Document:" 
    TOTEXT='cat /usr/tmp/alg.$CLEARCASE_PPID'
    cleartool mkhlink -ttext "$TOTEXT" design_spec 
    rm /usr/tmp/alg.$CLEARCASE_PPID
  • Use a postoperation trigger to modify the user-supplied comment whenever a new version is created of an element of type header-file

    cmd-context mktrtype -element -all -nc -postop checkin \
    -eltype header_file \
     -exec '/usr/local/scripts/hdr_comment' change_header_file_comment

    Created trigger type "change_header_file_comment".

    hdr_comment script:

    # analyze change to header file
    CMNT='/usr/local/bin/analyze_hdr_file $CLEARCASE_PN'
    # append analysis to user-supplied checkin comment
    cleartool chevent -append -c "$CMNT" $CLEARCASE_PN'
  • Create a preoperation trigger type that fires on the deliver_start operation.

    cmd-context mktrtype -ucmobject -all -preop deliver_start $PREOPCMDU

  • Create a postoperation trigger type that fires on the deliver_complete operation.

    cmd-context mktrtype -ucmobject -all -postop deliver_complete $WCMD $UCMD
    -stream $STREAM -nc $TRTYPE

Windows® examples

  • Create an all-element trigger type, to prevent files with certain extensions from being made into elements.

    cmd-context mktrtype -element -all -nc -preop mkelem ^
    -exec '\\photon\triggers\check_ext %CLEARCASE_PN%' check_ext

    Created trigger type "check_ext.

  • Create an element trigger type that runs a script when a mkbranch command is executed. Specify different scripts for different platforms.

    cmd-context mktrtype -element -postop mkbranch -nc ^
    -execunix /net/neon/scripts/ ^
    -execwin \\photon\triggers\branch_log.bat branch_log

    Created trigger type "branch_log".

  • Create a type trigger type to monitor the creation of new label types. The trigger aborts the label-type-creation operation if the specified name does not conform to standards.

    cmd-context mktrtype -type -nc -preop mktype -lbtype -all  
    -exec '\\photon\triggers\check_label_name' ^

    Created trigger type "check_label_trigger".

  • Create a preop trigger type that fires when a remote posted delivery is resumed for the first time.

    cmd-context mktrtype -nc -ucmobject -all -preop deliver_posted_resume -execunix "/people/mvi/UCM/" TRIG_DEL1l_name