Remote view storage

As with VOB storage, view storage may be located on a remote host (one that is not running the view’s associated view_server process)

About this task

Use any of the following techniques to create remote view storage:
  • Create a snapshot view that does not have collocated view storage (that has the view storage directory on the view server host and the snapshot view directory on another host).
  • Locate some or all of a view’s storage on a network-attached storage device.
  • On a host running Linux or the UNIX system, a view’s private storage area (but not its database) can be located remotely and accessed through a symbolic link. This arrangement resembles the remote VOB storage pool facility, discussed in Creating remote storage pools on hosts running Linux or the UNIX system, but the facility for views is less elaborate.
    Note: A Windows® computer cannot use a view hosted on Linux or the UNIX system that has symbolically linked view-private storage (mkview –ln).