If the VOB has remote storage pools

If a VOB on a host running Linux or the UNIX system has remote storage pools, you must back them up too, regardless of the backup strategy (standard or vob_snapshot) that you use.

About this task

Use the lspool command in any view to determine which storage pools are remote:

cleartool lspool –invob vob:/vobs/flex
13-Jan.16:58   vobadm     pool "cdft"
  "Predefined pool used to store cleartext versions."
26-Jan.22:02   vobadm     pool "cltxt01"
  "remote cleartext storage pool for 'flex' VOB"
13-Jan.16:58   vobadm     pool "ddft"
  "Predefined pool used to store derived objects."
13-Jan.16:58   vobadm     pool "sdft"
  "Predefined pool used to store versions."

In this example, there is one remote pool, cltxt01. If you are not sure which storage pools are remote, enter the lspool –long command to list the pool storage global pathname of every pool. Examine these pathnames to determine which ones specify remote locations:

cleartool lspool –long –invob vob:/vobs/flex
pool "cltxt01"
  pool storage global pathname

Note: Many backup utilities on Linux or the UNIX system, such as tar and cpio, include options to follow symbolic links. If the remote host is accessible at backup time, these utilities can copy both the symbolic link and its contents. They might be useful when backing up VOBs that have remote pools.