Permissions and tasks of the security administrator in Marketing Platform

Only users with either the AdminRole or PlatformAdminRole role in Marketing Platform have access to security administration features for user accounts other than their own.

In a multi-partition environment, only users with the PlatformAdminRole role can administer users across partitions. Users with the AdminRole role can administer users in their own partition only.

The security administrator performs the following tasks on the User Groups and User Roles & Permissions pages.

  • Create internal groups and manage their memberships and partition assignments.
  • Create roles for Marketing Platform and Campaign, if necessary, and assign permissions to these roles.
  • Manage user access to IBM® EMM applications by assigning roles to individual users and/or to internal and external groups.

Read this overview to gain an understanding of the following.

  • The difference between internal and external groups
  • The process of creating internal groups and assigning roles and permissions
  • The properties of internal groups
  • The pre-configured user accounts, groups, and roles in Marketing Platform