Authentication considerations for custom portlets

When you are planning to create portlets, you should keep in mind the following authentication considerations.

  • If your portlet is a Digital Analytics for On Premises report from an installation configured to use Marketing Platform for authentication or to use no authentication, or a dashboard report from any other IBM® EMM product that uses Marketing Platform for authentication, users are not prompted for credentials when they view the portlet.
  • If your portlet is a Digital Analytics for On Premises report from an installation that is not configured to use Marketing Platform for authentication, the user must enter login credentials one time per browser session.
  • If your portlet is a NetInsight OnDemand report or an internet or intranet page that requires authentication, the portlet behaves as a browser would. The user must enter login credentials in the content of the page the first time they view it during a browser session, and cookies are used to keep the user logged in.
  • If your portlet is an IBM Digital Analytics report, users can view only those reports for which they have permissions in Digital Analytics. Also, if single-sign-on is enabled with Digital Analytics, users can view Digital Analytics reports in Marketing Platform dashboards without entering their credentials. Otherwise, users must enter their Digital Analytics credentials to view Digital Analytics reports in Marketing Platform dashboards.